School For The First Time Again

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Scenario: Yoohan is going to school today for the first time again, everyone is talking about yoohan's return at his school and yoohan gets to meet sehyun!

It's time for me to go to school for the first time again but atleast i get to see my yeonwoo! I got up from bed and i go to the kitchen to look for food to eat for breakfast i found some food at the table with a note "Yoohan eat properly okay? I left this food for you -Mother" i smiled and took the plate and started eating it. It's so good! I miss when my mother cooks for me. I only get to eat the food i cook.. because she's always busy. After eating i went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and take a bath, after taking a bath i changed to my uniform and put my black mask as always and headed out and locked the door and waited for the bus at the bus stop.

After about 5 minutes of waiting the bus finally came and i came inside. I kept thinking about yeonwoo im so excited to see yeonwoo, Im being a bit impatient because of how i was so excited to see yeonwoo! The bus stopped and i got off and ran to school because im always late at school! I don't want to be late today!


Yoohan finally got to school and he's surprised by how the school didn't change at all, it looks the same the last time he was at school, The students around him are talking about yoohan's return and he doesn't mind at all he just kept walking until he got to his classroom
Minjae, joohaeng and yeonwoo are there including sehyun, he's just there to hang out with the others, yoohan waved at them and went to his seat

"I miss seating here and sleeping!"
"Don't tell me you're going to sleep here again at your first day at school again" minjae said.
"Oh right- that- i think i should not sleep today since it's my first day here again"
"Mr. Go Yoohan you're finally back, welcome back i hope you're recovering well"  his teacher said.
"I am Mr. Kim! and thank you for welcoming me back!"
"Yoohan-ah did you have a good sleep?"
"I had the best sleep! I dreamt of you yeonwoo!"
"Here we go again with the flirting" Joohaeng said while rolling his eyes.
"They're really cute aren't they? Right joohaeng?" Sehyun said.
"Yeah they are really, they're always like this it's like yoohan never left to be honest "
"Wait who's this did we get a new classmate?"
"No yoohan.. that's sehyun.. kim sehyun"
"Ahh.. is that so well okay"

Yoohan just went to sleep? Randomly? Without any reasons...

Who's this guy? How long yeonwoo knew this guy? He never told me about this guy.. sehyun?

What the hell is wrong with yoohan..
Why is he like this? Randomly sleeping..

"What's wrong with yoohan? He just randomly slept on the table when he was in class.. and also his first day again" joohaeng said.

The bell rang, first class is about to start, yoohan woke up when the teacher is there then, The teacher welcomed yoohan back as she heard the news that yoohan finally returned. No teaching happened at that time They only talked about how yoohan have been doing when he was staying at the hospital, they kept asking questions what happened to him yoohan just kept saying he doesn't want to talk about it.


Yoohan is just walking out of the school then yeonwoo catches up with him

"Yoohan-ah.. what's wrong? Are you okay? You don't look okay.. you're acting like this since the start of class.. you shouldn't have gone to school of you're not feeling okay"
"Ah.. it's nothing I'll just go home.."
"There's something wrong i know that, tell me what it is i will listen to you.."
"Who's sehyun? I never met him?"
"Ahh a new friend of mine"
"Oh friend?"
"Wait.. you once said to me at the hospital "even there's someone who likes me"? That's him?"
"Oh ? . does he look handsome?"
"Yeah really handsome to be honest, and he's really sweet... and good at sports and ever since he made me join the soccer game that's when i realised i laughed for the first time again.."
"Alright okay I'll go home im tired.."
"Yoohan. I know there's something wrong, you don't act like this.. are you okay?"
"No really im okay"
"No, what's wrong?"
"It seems like you're happy with your new found friend"
"I am but why are you sad, just tell me what's wrong? Do you got a problem with sehyun?"
"No but i feel like you don't like me anymore.."
"What no.. why would you feel that way."
"Because you know how I'm not here while you're here with your new found friend? And you said he likes you?"
"Yoohan. No i don't like him, but i do, as a friend, he helped me find clues about you and mom"
"Ah ... is that so?"
"Yes yoohan, okay let's get off topic let's go we're going somewhere.""
"Oh where are we going?"
"To the media arts exhibition!"
"Wait is that-"
"Yes that's right baby! The place that i love!"

They went to the exhibition and bought tickets then they both went inside the building  and starts to explore the place and yeonwoo started to talk about how much he wanted to go here again once yoohan's back and finally he did.

"I remember when we used to go here before, i was so happy you brought me here, oh yoohan what did i do to deserve you.."
"Oh i should be asking you that question"
"Deserve me? In what way?"
"Like you said you looked for me like crazy, it shows that how much you still loved me even you're so exhausted from looking for me, oh what did i do to deserve that love from you yeonwoo."
"You deserve all the love go yoohan, what you have been going through for the past year is tough for you and i can feel that and I'm trying to stay strong for you because i have hope that i will find you someday and look i finally found you i can finally see the face i desperately wanted to look at. The voice i wanted to hear. The caramel eyes i wanted to look at.
"Now answer me go yoohan, what did i do to deserve you?"
"You deserve everything my Yeonwoo, you deserve to see the colors you wanted to see, you deserve to have a colorful life, that's why I'm here for you letting you see colors infront of us right now and you deserve all my love, all i want is for you to have a beautiful, colorful life and you don't deserve to grow up without learning and seeing colors"

I'm melting by every word he said, he's still the sweet yoohan i've met.

"I'm so happy that i met you, yeonwoo-ah meeting you is one of the happiest moments of my life"
"Me too yoohan, meeting my probe is not what i was planning but if it was you yes it's one of my happiest moments too"

As they both said what they wanted to say to each other for a long time, they suddenly feel the urge to kiss so yeonwoo held yoohan's face with a smile on his face and yoohan, he's admiring his yeonwoo, falling for him even more he couldn't help but just kiss yeonwoo in front of the arts, Yoohan suddenly pulled yeonwoo and he said.

"Yeonwoo-ah.. i miss kissing you.. can i?"
"Yoohan.. you don't need my permission.. just go"

Yoohan pulled yeonwoo into the most romantic kiss ever, this kiss feels different it's different it's the most romantic thing that had happened to both of them, yeonwoo has his arms on Yoohan's neck while yoohan has his hands on yeonwoo's waist, they stayed like this for a while until yeonwoo had to pull back, breathless he was trying to catch his breaths.

"Yeonwoo-ah.. i want more.."
"Shut up no. Let's just go and explore the exhibition!"

They explored the exhibition having the best moments of their lives it's like yoohan actually never disappeared, it's like yoohan only went away and just came back. Soon it was almost night they're done exploring the exhibition they said their goodbyes to each other.


"Where have you been? You're late"
His aunt Yi-Rang was waiting for yeonwoo.
"Oh Aunt! You startled me! Oh.. uhm.. i just.. went somewhere.."
"With go yoohan. Again?"
"Ah that boy again, okay whatever go change i prepared dinner 30 minutes ago and it's cold i have to heat it again."
"Im so sorry aunt ... I'll go change right now!"

Yeah i came home late.. i feel bad for my aunt for waiting for me this late.
I came to my bedroom to change but before that i chatted yoohan to see if he got home safely.



Yeonwoo.. i think im being followed..




Hey don't scare me like that...

Yoohan!! Please answer.. :(

I should've been with you.

Yoohan!! Please where are you? Are you at the bus stop??? Im coming
right now I'll change later.



To be continued

A/n: you never know what's going to happen HUWHWHHU

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