3. Conversations & Crushes

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Dokyeom was exhausted. It had been another long day, and the lack of sleep from the previous night because of a school project, was starting to take its toll on him. Even washing up and having dinner seemed like a daunting task. Eventually, he managed to complete his night routine before collapsing on his bed, with no intention of doing anything other than sleeping.

However, his phone beeped, interrupting his thoughts.

 It was a notification from Wattpad - HonGJosHua95 had started following him. 

Dokyeom smiled, remembering the conversation they had the previous night. Although it was just a simple introduction and basic talk, it somehow improved his mood. He decided to text Joshua since he seemed to be active on Wattpad.

Dokyeomie<3: Hi, Hyung! How was your day? 😗

JiSOS: hello there. My day was exhausting as usual, with lectures, part-time jobs, and assignments. How was your day?

Dokyeomie<3: Fun but over-tiring.

JiSOS: You were awake till late in the night, right? It might be affecting you after all.

Dokyeomie<3: Yes, it's affecting me. By the way, did you hear that Oneus is having a concert in Seoul? It's been many years since they had a concert here.

JiSOS: You should take care of your sleeping schedule. You are still young to wake up late at night. And, WHATTT???? ONEUS IS HAVING A CONCERT??? HERE , IN SEOUL?? Why didn't I knew about this? Well, nvm , I am too broke for it 😓

Dokyeomie<3 : YOU LIVE IN SEOUL TOO? Why didn't you tell me? Well, nvm, I never asked.///

JiSOS : You live in SEOUL??😮

Dokyeomie<3 : That's why I told you abt the concert in Seoul. You are so dumb, Hyung.😂😂

JiSOS : Don't laugh abt it, I will sulk. I didn't notice it.😟

Dokyeomie<3 : AWW, HYUNG!!! Don't sulk, I was just joking.🥰

JiSOS : NO, I will sulk.😔😤

Dokyeomie<3 : NO, you will not. because I will send you memes if you sulk. LOTS OF MEMES. I WILL BLOW UP YOUR NOTIFICATION WITH SENDING MEMES.😈

JiSOS : That's some real threat. OKAY, I WILL NOT SULK.😶

Dokyeomie<3 : Well, Hyung, you know tha........








During their conversation, Joshua revealed that he came out to his family as gay and they supported him. 

[flashback to their conversation a few hours ago]

JiSOS : When I came out to my family that I am bi, they supported me. And, if they could support me for this then I am pretty assured they will support me for anything in life, unless it's not illegal, lol.

Dokyeomie<3 : That's great , Hyung.😊

[end of the flashback]

Hong Joshua is bisexual.

This information gave Dokyeom a weird feeling in his stomach, as if he had a chance with Joshua. He was scared that he might be developing a crush on someone he barely knew. His own thoughts started scaring him now. The logical part of his brain was constantly arguing with the emotional part. Maybe it was just a lack of sleep, he thought.

Dokyeom was unable to sleep that night. He kept thinking about Joshua and their conversation. He couldn't help but wonder what Joshua looked like or how he was in real life.

What if he's just a creep?

But he can't be. He knows the author. He's his friend.

What if the author is a creep himself?

What about the connection you feel to him? Isn't it strange how you have just met him but you feel drawn to him?

Maybe, it's just a little crush.

Maybe it really was just a little crush, but it was impossible to have a crush on someone when you didn't know them. It was something different, some other sort of connection.

The next day, Dokyeom couldn't help but think about Joshua. He felt drawn to him, like they had a special connection. He tried to focus on his work and his lectures, but his mind kept wandering back to Joshua. He was scared that he might be developing feelings for someone he barely knew.

However, little did Dokyeom know that Joshua was having the same problem.  Little did he know that the connection between them was much larger than just a mere crush. Little did he know that somehow his emotional part of the brain was right.

Because a soul can recognize its soulmate even from a single conversation, even from a single touch, and even from a single intent look in their eyes. They can straight away recognize the soul they are bound to in heaven or even on earth, in every life.


How was this chapter??? Was it a little rushed? (it's a short story, btw. Maybe 25 parts at most)

I feel like I am unable to write my thoughts properly because of the lack of proper vocabulary(?)

I have already planed the whole story but starting is little difficult for me. I think as I will make my plot smoother, I will surely be able to update more frequently.

Also, did the chapter sounded a little too formal? It seemed to me like it did.

I will update soon !

Author OUT ! 


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