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Cheongdam Dong Penthouse

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Cheongdam Dong Penthouse

The first one enter the house was Nayeon then she roaming around the house after a few second she sat on the living room waiting for others

"Anyeonghaseyo" Nayeon greeting

"Anyeonghaseyo , sunbaenim" Ryujin the second one arrived

"Are you alone?" Nayeon ask

"For now yes" Ryujin shyly nods and sit

"Nice to meet you" Nayeon offers hand for handshake

Then after Ryujin , Dah follow and then Momo arrived then 5 mins later Chae enter the house , almost 15mins later the. Jih arrive gap 2 mins with Mina come together with Tzuyu, the third last arrive was Sana and then Jeong and the last arrive was Irene and follow by Karina

 Jih arrive gap 2 mins with Mina come together with Tzuyu, the third last arrive was Sana and then Jeong and the last arrive was Irene and follow by Karina

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"I think no more?" Jih break the awkward silence

"Not sure yet" Nayeon shrugged

"Should i pretend not to know my group members too?" Chae asked

"As your wish" Momo rolled his eyes

"You good in acting Karina" Jeong target Karina who is stay silent scanning them

"Uh ?? do you guys met before?" Tzuyu suspected Jeong and Karina

"Not just me , everyone is acting now" Karina said and laughed

"Yeah i can't trust anyone" Ryujin make a suspicious face to them

"So we will stay here for 2 months" Dah said

"The rules said that camera rolling 24hours" Mina with her slow voice still focus reading the guidelines

"Let's go around the house and decide the room arrangement later" Moo got up from the sofa and Sana followed behind him

"Who your partner??" Sana whispered and put her chin on Moo shoulder

Love Line (Jeongyeon Sana)Where stories live. Discover now