To find a princess 1/3

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Iris, Y/N and Nathaniel were talking at Sunny Bays smoothie bar. Iris was upset and disappointed about loosing her job at babysitting so Y/N and Nathaniel tried to cheer her up. Nathaniel gave Iris and Y/N hot chocolates on him and paired with it were macaroons. Iris was complaining how it was the third job she had been fired from. "And every time i open my mouth to sing, something weird happens." She said, moving her spoon around in her hot chocolate.

Nathaniel began to laugh. "Remember that day last summer when a freak storm froze the lake? Wild!" He said, washing a smoothie cup. Y/N laughed slightly. "I still wish i was there to see that. But i could never inturupt your romantic moment." She drank some of her hot chocolate. Nathaniel and Iris looked away and blushed. "It wasnt... poor duckies." Iris said, trying to avoid the subject. Iris then sighed. "I dont think i was meant to be a singer." She stirred her hot chocolate more, getting rid of the music note she had made with her spoon.

Nathaniel put his hand ontop of Iris's. "Are you kidding? You have a beautiful voice. Besides, i saw this on the cafés bulletin board and thought of you." He handed Iris a poster showing that a lead singer was wonted for a girl band named Lolirock. Iris hummed in thought. The auditions were today. "I do love singing! But i cant... something weird would happen..." she said and slided the pister back to Nathaniel. "So? There are two things i know about you." Nathaniel walked around the counter to iris. "One, you're weird. And two, your happiest when you sing."

Iris looked at the ground. "Thanks Nat... but i just cant!" Iris stood up and picked her bag up. Nathaniel grabbed her wrist and handed her the poster. "Think about it. Promise me?" He said. Iris sighed. "I promise" she said and walked out of the smootie bar. Nathaniel walked back to behind the counter. "Sometimes i dont get her. In a good way." Nat said. Y/N nodded. "Yeah... thats Iris for you."

Iris walked along the street, thinking. "No... i just cant." Then, she started running once the traffic lights let her. She ran, panting. Her necklace was glowing but she failed to realise. She ran to the dock. She stood there, trying to breathe normally. "Think about it. Promise me?" Nathaniels voice rang in her head. She uncrumpled the audition poster and made up her mind.

They were holding the auditions at the theatre. There was a long line of girls lined up for the auditions. A lot of the girls were practicing their vocal skills, very badly. Iris winced. "Huh. Maybe im not the weirdest singer here..."

Some time later, Iris was next in line. Currently, there was a girl with shoulder length hair singing, and she wasnt great at it. This much was clear because of Talias and Auriana's face. Even Amaru couldnt handle it. Once she finished Auriana quicky said "thank you! We'll call you if we're interested!" As nice as she could. "We're not interested." Talia said. "We might be." Auriana said, trying to make the girl feel better. "Not while i live..." talia said. The girl scoffed and stomped off.

Talia took her glasses off. "Okay Auriana. We're leaving this town and setting up auditions somewhere else." Talia stood up. "Hey! We just started looking for her in sunny bay." Auriana said. Amaru noticed Iris walking onto the stage. "Uh- have you been listening? They scream like animals in pain." Talia said. "Its obvious she isnt here." She continued. "We only saw 5 or 7 or 9 or 10 girls... theres lots more in town." Auriana tried to reason with her. Amaru was waving his paws, trying to get their attention. "If they all sing this well, my ear drums will never recover." Talia said. Then, they finally noticed Amaru. "What is it Amaru?" Talia asked him. He pointed to the stage. Talia and Auriana finally noticed Iris. She was standing on the stage, awkwardly.

"Im here for the audition." She said. "Great!" Said Auriana. She put her hands on Talias shoulders and made sure Talia sat back down. "Go ahead. Oh! And use that microphone right there." She pointed to the microphone which was in a stand. Iris took a deep breath and walked up to the microphone, taking it. Talia stuck her fingers in her ears. Iris began singing. Iris sang beautifully. Pink sparkles began appearing all around the theatre. Talia, Auriana and Amaru looked at her in admiration. Iris began singing the chorus and pink lightning struck everywhere in the theatre and a beam of pink light exploaded out of the theatre making the rest of the girls waiting to audition gasp.

The theatre was in ruins. The chairs were scattered everywhere and Amaru climbed back onto the table. Auriana and Talia were stunned for a second. Their hair had become messy. They then looked at each other. "Are you okay? Im so sorry... i didnt mean to..." Iris dropped the mic and ran off the syage in tears. Iris ran down the stairs at on the side kf the theatre, making the girls waiting to audition confused and ran along the streets. Y/N noticed and began running after her. Iris stopped at a lamppost. Y/N slowed down and began walking towards her. However she was stopped when Green crystal encased the lamppost pole, resulting in the lamp falling to the ground. Iris dodged it. Y/N hid behind a corner in an alley way.

Iris looked up to see two people flying in the air. "Ugh! You missed!" Said the girl and began casting spells which also missed. Iris began running away. The twins fired more spells at Iris which all missed because they suck and its convenient for the plot. Iris ran behind a corner and hid behind a car. The twins followed her. Y/N followed behind the twins. Mephisto casted a spell which through the car up into the air. The car smashed into the ground, the alarm going off like that would help. Iris continued running away. Mephisto laughed. "I like this place! So much stuff to smash." He said. Iris kept running and the twins kept missing.

Iris jumped into a dead end to build suspense and trap herself. The twins began walking up to her. Y/N was about to step in but two girls on a flying pegasus told her what to do. "Sing if you want to live! Trust us." Talia said. Iris did. She sang a really high note which created a pink crystal shield between her and the twins. Talia used her magic to lift the twins into the air. Amaru landed on the ground and talia held her hand out for iris to take. "Iris. Come." She said.

Iris took her hand and Talia pulled her onto Amarus back. Iris yelled. They took off into the air. "How do you know my name?" She asked them. "Oh we've been searching for you for a long time!" Auriana said. Iris cringed a bit, finding that a bit weird. Back on the ground, Mephisto and Praxina groaned. "Gramorr isnt going to be happy about this..." Mephisto said before both of them teleported away. Y/N was left there. She came out of hiding and used a spell to repair all the damage they had done.  Y/N grumbled to themselves before walking back to her apartment.

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