Part 37

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James come to net room he look at room and said to himself "this room get changed a lot"

James see at side that the cage room is not here anymore

Jet = mama!!

James see jet who is sitting on bed james go to him and sat beside him and jet said mama!! see papa have a very big picture of him

James see he get shocked a little because it's a huge picture of him

Jet = papa loves you so much mama you loves him too na?

James look at him he sighed and said yes baby i love you and him very much

Jet smiled and said "i love you both so much now we are complete family" and hug james

James hugs him too and rub his back and think in his mind *your mama want to give you complete family baby but your mama is very scared i don't know but i don't want to trust net again....*

They are hugging while net came in room,jet see net and smiled "Papa!!"

James turn and see net but ignore him,net came to them and sit beside them and take jet in his arms

Jet = papa! you love mama so much that you have a big picture of him?

Net look at james who is looking at other side

Net smiled to jet and said while looking at james "yes baby papa love mama so much that i can do anything for him"

James just rolled his eyes "whoa! papa you love mama like a prince love his princess mama you are so lucky!"

James look at net and said to jet "now let's go baby i will give you a bath"

James take jet in his arms and take him to bathroom

After sometimes everyone sitting on living room james and jet also there

Suddenly jet said noeul! You know papa like balloons! He have a big packet of it!

James smacked his head and said i told you many times don't call anyone by his name he is older than you

Jet said sorry while rubbing his head,noeul laugh and said it's okay na james

Net = what balloons baby?

Jet turn to him and said aww papa maybe you forgot i find a that big balloon packet in your room! wait i took that with me

Jet take a box from side and show them "see papa it's a huge balloons packet!"

Everyone eyes get widened to see because it's a condom filled box!

Net = w-what?? i never take these in my room? How?

James look at net in anger and take the box from jet hands

Jet = mama! why you take that i want to play with balloons!

James look at net then said "it's not balloons baby it's a disgusting thing!"

Jet = then why papa have these?

James = because your papa is shameless and that's why i don't talk to him much!

Saying that take jet in his arms and go to room

Net get irritate because he never bought these in his room since james get disappeared

bossnoeul look at net and boss said " that's was mine...i bought for us and forgot that in your room..."

Noeul = why the hell you do that!?

Net shout "shut up you two!! because of your silly mistake he get angry more he already hate me now because of you two he get more angry!"

After few mins net go to their room,he opened the door and see james sleeping peacefully while jet playing in floor

Net go to jet and said baby you know uncle noeul have so many toys

Jet look up and said really papa!

Net = yes so you go and play with him okay me and your mama will take a rest here

Jet = okay!!

Saying that jet get up and go to noeul room,net smiled and close the door

He go to james and lay beside him admiring his Beauty

Net smiled and touch his little nose,james whined and he hug net

Net giggled and hug him but he know when james will wake up he will kill him

Net caress his hair "How can I make you believe that I truly love you baby?"

Net look at james sleepy face his face looking very cute like a cupcake

Net smiled and kiss his forehead and said but i will try my best baby and i am sure you will love me too

Saying that he sleep beside him

Next day net didn't meet james and went office because of some urgent work he don't want to leave james alone but there have some urgent

At night net came home he want to see james face so he go upstairs but james is not there

He go down and see net mom and jet in kitchen net mom feeding jet while jet playing with her

Net go to them and ask his mom "mom? Where is james?"

Net mom look at him and said boss and noeul they both took him with them to the club james refused them but noeul pleaded him

Net = but why they take him to club? how p'boss also get agreed??

They are talking while they heard "myyyy......hubbbyyyyyy!!!....."

They go to living room and see boss and noeul is holding james they see james didn't have energy to stand

Net go to him and ask worriedly "what happen to him?? tell me!?"

Noeul said while rolling his eyes "oh my god! he is just drunk! we didn't do anything!!!"

Net = why did you let him drink!? why the hell you took him to club!?

Noeul = oh my god asshole!! he is my bestie i can take him wherever i want! you idiot went to office james was getting bored so we decide to go club and actually our glass got switch and after one glass he drink a lot and get drunk like this!

"heyyyy what are you saying about me idiot!?" james said while looking at noeul

Noeul = oh my little bestie i was just explaining everything to that asshole now go with your hubby and give him trouble!

Saying that he push james to net,net catch him and said why the hell you do that!

Noeul yawned and said good night🥱 everyone and you jet today you have to sleep with us because your mama papa have to do a business in bed

Jet look at him and said what business uncle noeul? And i want to sleep with mama papa

Noeul = we will watch cartoons all night so come on now!

Noeul open his arms and jet jump on him and said okay so let's gooo!!

Noeul carry him and go to net and whisper "enjoy your night asshole!"

Net raise his eyebrow and said you intentionally make him drunk right?

Noeul = yep!

Saying that noeul take jet with him and boss also go behind him and said to net "best of luck!"

Net mom smiled to net and said now you two go to sleep also

Net nodded and carry james in bridal style

James hold net neck and said "

Net = yes i am baby

James nodded and said with smile "my....hubby is....v--very...handdsomeee"

Net laughed and said yeah i know now let's go to room

Saying that he take james to their room

To be continued......

Hope you all liked it💓

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