⌞ twenty-four : dinner with legends ⌝

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" Come on, kid. You can't give up, you have to come home. "



I sat up from my spot on the couch, locking my phone. "Oui?" 

Lewis walked in, looking a bit distressed. "Sorry, I lost track of time. Go pick one of your new outfits out and get changed, we're going to our surprise." 

"Oh, I thought I did something." 

Lewis leaned down and placed a quick kiss on my forehead. "Never, Lu. Now, quick. I don't want to be more late than we already are." 

I smiled when he did that. I don't think he noticed, or that it was just something he did out of habit. But it wasn't something I got often or actually, never. I can't remember the last time someone did that. 

A warm feeling spread in my chest as I walked to my room. Well, the room that Lewis was allowing me to stay in. I wondered what he was going to wear because I didn't want to not match or be completely off on what the dress code was and so I turned on my heel. 


"Yes, darling?" He peaked his head out of his room. 

"What're you wearing?" 

"An all-black suit." 

I nodded and he closed the door behind him. Once I got back in my room, I grabbed the black cocktail dress off the hanger and put it on once we had gotten back to the flat. I figured it would be a dinner of some sort or maybe a party and this felt like the best thing to wear. 

Getting out of the sweats I had been lying in on the couch, I quickly put the dress on. It fit just right, as I assumed it would. I had learned sizing in Dior ages ago so it was easy to figure out what worked the best for me. I grabbed my boots from the corner and put those on too, making sure they didn't look too trashy. 

There was a knock on my door. 


"It's me and Ni." 

"Come in." 

I was clipping my hair back. I hadn't taken off any of my jewelry after we had gotten back from shopping, so all I had to do was fix my hair. After getting around what I wanted, I looked over to them. They looked perfect. Lewis was in his all-black suit and Nico was wearing a black turtle neck with dress pants. 

I snorted. "We look like a gay couple and their adopted kid." 

"You wouldn't be far off." 

I laughed at Nico's joke as I grabbed my Mercedes jacket off the door, following them out. When we got to the car, I settled in and finally, my mind started to wander again. 

"Where are we going?" 

"You'll see." 

I groaned which earned me a chuckle from Lewis and a lighthearted glare from Nico. They fell into a soft conversation and I decided to text Mako. It had been a bit since we talked. I had the habit of ignoring him since I had been in London, not wanting to be rude or miss anything. 

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