Chapter Two

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September 2nd, 2007

Hermione awoke with the news of another attack. This time the masked terrorist had invaded a muggle home just outside of Wiltshire. Like always there was no useful information that came from the attack. The only thing Hermione had figured out over the past two months was that the terrorist targeted Muggles and Muggle-borns. Her largest obstacle was revealing the terrorist's identity. Unfortunately, the terrorist wore a mask at all times along with heavy black robes. It reminded her vaguely of another group she wasn't too fond of. While Hermione and Malfoy were the most intelligent Aurors in the department she knew that wasn't the real reason why they were both assigned to this case. Hermione was assigned to the case because she was a Muggle-born and according to Kingsley, she would be more motivated to reveal the terrorist's identity if she had an emotional connection to the victims. Malfoy was chosen for obvious reasons. As an ex-Death Eater, Malfoy was expected to know the terrorist's motives, next moves, and fighting tactics because of the terrorist's similarities to the Death Eater party.

Hermione set down the prophet and took another sip of tea. She grimaced at the cold taste before walking over to the sink to pour it out. The window above her sink was halfway open and she could hear the sound of people passing by and blaring traffic. She sighed as she threw away her half-eaten breakfast of toast and fruit. Her nerves wouldn't let her take two bites without feeling like she was going to throw it all up. She scolded herself for being so pathetic about the case...or Malfoy. She glanced towards her clock. There was another hour until eight, and Hermione supposed she would go to work early to organize her desk. She had to get it done at some point. Hermione turned the lights off in her kitchen and headed upstairs to her bathroom. She threw her hair up in a low bun, too lazy to take a shower and properly style it. Her bathroom light flickered as she finished her hair. She'd have to ask Harry to fix that. She quickly made her bed, a habit she picked up after reading a muggle article about the benefits of making your bed each morning. The article was likely rubbish, but Hermione never broke her routine. She picked out a black skirt and creme blouse. After tripping over a pile of books Hermione decided it was wise to wear her black flats instead of heels. Although it would be beneficial to have a little more height in her meeting with Malfoy. Hermione thought for a few minutes before ultimately deciding on the flats. She picked up her briefcase, grabbed the floo powder, and took a deep breath before stepping into the inevitable.

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A gentle knock brought Hermione out of her focused state. She'd successfully organized her desk without getting distracted. She stood up and admired her work. She nodded at her accomplishment while her office door opened behind her. "It's fifteen past eight." an irritated voice said. Hermione turned to face the bain of her existence with her hands on her hips. "That's not possible I got her only half an hour ago." Malfoy scoffed.

He was wearing black trousers and a white collared shirt. His sleeves were rolled up to reveal his forearms as he leaned against Hermione's door frame with his arms crossed. Hermione noticed his toned arm muscles and disillusioned right forearm. His eyes were the same dark grey color. Once again he was occluding. Malfoy nodded his head at her clock and she glanced at it ignorantly. As Malfoy said the clock read Eight Fifteen. She rolled her eyes and plastered on a fake smile. "Apologies for my tardiness Mr. Malfoy." He rolled his eyes and pushed himself off the wall. "I'll be in my office." Hermione mocked him as he walked away before picking up her briefcase and closing her office door. She expected Malfoy to be a fast walker because of his long legs, so she didn't think he'd be anywhere in sight.

The empty hallway standing before her proved that her assumption about Malfoy was indeed correct. As she walked down the long empty hall she realized that she had absolutely no idea where Malfoy's office was. They'd been working together for almost five years and she'd never once visited him. Not wanting to piss him off further Hermione headed towards the front desk. "Claire?" Hermione looked over the front desk, hoping to find her secretary. A young Asian Woman appeared behind her with a cup of tea and a box of papers. "Hello." She smiled and walked around Hermione to sit at her desk. "What can I help you with today Ms. Granger?" Hermione sighed in relief as she adjusted her grip on her briefcase. "I have a meeting with Mr. Malfoy today and I was hoping you could point me in the direction of his office...I've never actually been there before." Claire frowned. Everyone in the Auror Department knew of Hermione and Malfoy's new arrangement. It must've seemed strange to her that Hermione was supposed to be living with him in a few days and she'd never even seen his office.

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