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•Ashley's POV•
As soon as we got to Taylor's place we just got comfortable. I changed in one of his shirts and it was funny cause it fit me like a short dress, and then I just put some spandex on after I changed we ordered pizza and started watching Netflix it took about 15 for the pizza. we fought about who was gonna pay so we just split the check. we then took the pizza to his room and continued watching orange is the new black (I love that show omf)
And after that we just hung out and talked, played would you rather truth or dare and stuff like that. it was a about 3am after all of that and we where both exhausted so we laid down and just talked to each other for about 30 minutes before we both fell asleep in each others arms.

Ashley woke up around 10am in a awkward position her head was off the bed and her legs where in taylors stomach. just to be smooth she flipped out of the bed. She went to the bathroom and peed, washed her face, brushed her hair and then brushed her teeth and went back out. that took her about 30 minutes and by the time she was out Taylor was just waking up. Ashely slowly approached the bed and said "good morning sleepy"
"Morning babe" Taylor said but he had this morning scratchy voice
"Umm" Ashley said kinda confused
"To far?" Taylor said with worry on his face
"Nah just need to get use to it" Ashley said
"Good" he said with a big smile
After that Taylor got up and approached Ashley and grabbed her hips pulled her forwarded and kissed her lips
"Sorry I had too" taylor said while he but his lip
"Wow um okay then, damn to be honest that felt good" Ashley said in shock
"Hehe" Taylor said under his breath
"Okay so what's for breakfast?" Ashley said with eminent
"Whatever you want" Taylor said
"IHOP cause I'm fat" Ashley said while giggling
"YAS and your not fat. we'll let's get ready so we can go" Taylor said
"Alright then" Ashley said
They took about 20 minutes to get ready and they walked down to "IHOP" it was about a 15 minute wait so they just got in there phones checked twitter and Instagram.
"Party for Taylor and Ashley" the waitress said
They both followed her with existent cause they are starving. they sat down and looked at the menu and then when the waitress came they ordered
"I'll have 2 pancakes with hash browns and some orange juice" Ashley said
"And I'll have the same as the lady but with water" Taylor said with a small smirk in his face
"Okay it will be right up" the lady said while walking off
While they where waiting they talked about last night and how fun it was and then the food came and they where like pigs when they ate when they where done they split the bill and Taylor dropped off Ashley at home
"Thank you for everything taylor! I mean it last night and this morning was amazing bye " Ashley said while she started walking off
"Bye see you next week or hopefully sooner" he shouted
"And I love you" taylor said under his breath so Ashley wouldn't hear.
Taylor arrived back at his place and just chilled for the rest of the day.

I hope you liked it. Sorry if it's bad I wrote all of this on a bus on my way back to my hotel ( I'm in Paris ) k bye

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2015 ⏰

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