Chapter A

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Author POV
Nothing felt better than crisp concrete crunching under a pair of 1700 dollar Prada Monoliths. Of course if wearing them while sipping a smooth and creamy iced coffee hadn't been an invented action yet, then nothing would feel better than that.

Yeosang's blonde hair swooped down perfectly as he opened the door to a cafe shop he had been eyeing back and forth to work. Today was the only day he could truly enjoy a coffee run, he had already been to his morning shoot and his next one wasn't til 7. He had more than enough time to feel what he liked to call heaven on earth, coffee.

He walked in, receiving a few stares of course he was used to that, he was Kang Yeosang for heaven's sake. He'd be more uneasy if nobody looked at him, he loved the attention. He looked around the cafe, nice bouncy pillows on the benches, great ambiance, people were hushed into their own conversations, art everywhere and of course the heavenly smell of coffee. He continued to walk and paused to look at a painting, he loved art, music, anything that you could create he loved. What he didn't like is the feeling of a body colliding with his and a wet liquid sliding down his shirt, onto his pants, and definitely not the way he knew his Prada got stained. He waited for an apology for about a split 3 seconds and he scoffed.

"Are you not gonna apologize, are you gonna clean them." Yeosang said, of course he didn't actually expect the man to clean them, but he definitely did not expect the next move.

He sucked in a deep breath as the man got closer and spilled the rest of the liquid in the pitcher on his boots.

"You clean them yourself,  you asshole." the man muttered, walking off after making sure every drop came out on the man's shoes.

Yeosang took a quick look at San's name tag and stormed out of the cafe, he was so utterly annoyed. Luckily everyone in the cafe were too indulged in their own matters to even realized the situation that took place in the corner of the cafe, saved Yeosang the embarrassment, nobody wanted to have a video of their rent money shoes being ruined by some cafe worker.

Yeosang made his way to his car and popped the trunk, grabbing two towel and tossing it to his passenger seat before covering up the driver's seat. He groaned, this was not how he wanted to spend his very few hours off of work. He felt his elbows tense up in an immense amount of anger and he dialed his friend's number.

Seonghwa answered the phone, one deep irritated sigh and Seonghwa knew his friend was beyond pissed.

"Sorry is a 5 letter word. 5 letters and he couldn't just say at least sorry, or my bad another five letter phrase." Yeosang groaned, pulling off as he finally got the towel to sit around the seatbelt.

"Gosh, these things are just attracted to you aren't they?" Seonghwa asked, amused by the younger's anger.

"No because it might be me! I'm a very nice and respectful person, I even waited for him to say I'm sorry, do you know the bastard that walked into me had every fucking second to apologize so instead he pours the rest on my shoes, like I'm the one who did something?" Yeosang said, apologizing for cussing shortly afterwards.

"Did you know that you're so adorable when you're angry?" Seonghwa teased, chewing off the head of his gummy bear.

"Shut up, I am not in the mood." Yeosang grumbled, Seonghwa shrugged and nodded towards the woman who walked into the room he was sitting in.

"Well I have my last shoot and I can go and grab you a coffee for when you make it for your next one." Seonghwa said, hanging up as soon as Yeosang said thank you and said his farewell.

Yeosang made his way home, unlocking the drive way gate with a push of a button, he drove in carefully, just in case any lizards had found their way out of the greenery that brushed up against the fence as he drove by. He parked his car and sighed, a car nap wouldn't hurt, would it?


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