Chapter 1: El Ritmo Tropical

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"Now acknowledge my superior skill!!"

Reala had just finished winning a tennis match against NiGHTS, his sibling and rival, in the Tennis Tournament they had both entered. NiGHTS joined it because it sounded like fun, but Reala did so in order to get close enough to NiGHTS to recapture them, and bring them back to Master Wizeman, their creator.

"Aw, c'mon Reala! You're being way too cheeky!" NiGHTS called out from the other side of the court, their British accent stronger than their tennis skills.

"Sorry not sorry NiGHTS, but it seems you were just too easy for me!" Reala boasted. "Now, since I've beaten you, you must return with me to Master Wizema-"

"OH MY GOSH! IS THAT ALEX KIDD FALLING DOWN A FLIGHT OF STAIRS OVER THERE?!" NiGHTS yelled, pointing to somewhere the distance.


"SORRY REALA! BYEEEEEE!!!" NiGHTS called out, quickly flying away from the Splash Garden Court.

"WHA- HEY!!! GET BACK HERE YOU FOOLISH CHILD!!!" Reala called out, but it was too late, they were already out of sight.

"Aghhh...whatever, I suppose I'll just finish this foolish Tournament seeing as I'm already three victories in..." He sighed to himself, making his way to the exit portal leading to the next match.


Reala hovered boredly in the same spot for a long while, as the loading times in this tournament always took what felt like hours. He just wanted to get this over with so he can go find NiGHTS again, and have them pay for lying to them about Alex Kidd being in severe pain, knowing full well he'd pay to see that. He was so preoccupied in his thoughts of revenge, that they failed to notice the smiling monkey wearing a sombrero that had just made his presence known in the waiting dimension, that monkey being none other than Amigo, from the hit rhythm game series Samba de Amigo.

"*maraca sfx*" He greeted, bringing Reala out from their thoughts.

".....Hmph." Reala huffed, turning away from him. They cared little for making friends in this tournament, much less that of a weak-looking animal in colorful getup. Amigo didn't take offense to this, however, and merely shrugged it off, before the portal transported the two of them to the Samba de Amigo themed tennis court for their match.

Reala readied his racket for the match, but before they could set their presence in the court, an option was given to him to choose a song to play in the match. He wasn't all too familiar with this series' music, so he just chose the one that looked the most interesting to him, that being El Ritmo Tropical.

"Hm...this should be rather easy...I'm sure his "power type" is just a mere title..." Reala thought as he made his way to the court. As soon as he readied the ball in his hand to serve, the song they had chosen began, and Amigo's eyes lit up from the other side of the court. It was one of his favorite songs to dance to in his own game series. However, because he was too distracted, the ball Reala served completely went over his head, giving them the first point.

"Love, Fifteen!" The announcer called.

Reala giggled to himself and span around like an idiot into the air in celebration.
"This will be quite the easy victory..." He thought to himself.

The match continued onwards, as the two went back and forth with each other. However, Reala was able to hit back some of Amigo's strongest serves, try as he might to win against them. As the two of them continued on, Reala decided to unleash the all star move they had gradually built up to throw Amigo off a little.

"Let's see you try and survive this!" He muttered to himself, spinning up in the air with a wicked grin as a snippet of their theme played. The ball he hit back curved wildly, and made Amigo dizzily spin out when he hit it, with Reala taunting him as they did so. However, it hardly affected Amigo due to the fact that iT SUCKS AND BARELY EVER WORKS IN GAME, IT'S JUST LIKE NiGHTS' BUT WORSE.

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