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She's only 13 going on 14 and she's depressed. she's only 13 going on 14 and she has OCD. She's only 13 going on 14 and she's Bi-polar. She's only 13 going on 14 and she has anxiety!
This makes her different and abnormal. She's picked on and made fun of, but does that bring her down, no. because she has to be strong for her friends, the ones with the red stars. That's how it should be.
No matter how much the bullies pick on her she stands up and defends. Their are days she wishes it would all just stop but that day will never come. So in the mean time she will fight for those who are the ones with blue, red, or any other color of star.
"We all have problems" she says, "some are worse than others, but you must remember this. There is always someone to talk to and a shoulder to cry on,"
"If you need to talk just ask, I'll listen," she tells her depressed friends, "Just ask and I'll be there, never count me out..."
She only 13 going on 14 and is depressed, has OCD, anxiety, and is Bi-polar, but she laughs at it and says the phrase many don't say.

"I'm proud to be me!"

Happy June 30th...

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