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Clay: hey poppy hey branch

Broppy: hi Clay

Poppy: so how's viva is she ok what's wrong with her why was she not feeling good

Clay: woah slow down I'll explain everything after you see them

Poppy: ok..... wait Them???

Clay: yeah

Branch: ????? Ok

Clay: hey viv how ya doing

Viva: good I think the medicine is wearing off

Clay: ok that's good well we have some visitors

Viva: whooooooo

Broppy: hi

Viva: *gasp* POPPY BRANCH hi guys

Poppy: hey sis so how are you what happened are you ok????

Viva: yeah I'm ok but I have someone for you to meet

Branch: ??????

Clay: poppy branch this is Katie our daughter

Poppy: 😱😱😱😱😱

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