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Sara guides us up the steps to her house, knocking. Why does she have to knock? I stand behind her, my hand on her shoulder, rubbing lovingly. The door swings open to a new face. Sara freezes in place, I widen my eyes.
"Who are you?"
The woman slurs.

I step in, clearing my throat. Taking the focus off of Sara. The woman analyzes me, and I do the same for her. Realizing, this is her mother. Oh my god, and she doesn't even remember her own daughter? Fuck, what all does she shoot up on?
"This is your daughter, and I'm her boyfriend."
I introduce myself in the process, her mother grimaces.

"N-No I don't have a daughter-"
She begins, closing the door. Just as it reaches the frame, it gets shoved back open. Her mother stumbles back, furrowing her brows.
"Who are you?"
She asks, glaring at Sara's brother.

"You're out of it, mom. Go away!"
He shouts. Sara jumps and their mother only scoffs. Stumbling away. I frown, rubbing her shoulders. Then it hits me, Liam doesn't know about us. Oh fuck.
"Hey sissy."
He beams, completely ignoring me as he lets us in.

I stay behind her, feeling her tremble against me. I refrain from hugging her, keeping the new information about him in the back of my mind. If he's bipolar, he'll lose it if I even hug her. Not risking her safety just for that.
"I have good news! The pills are working, Sara. I don't have any outbursts."
He announces.

I felt the same tension release from my own body just like Sara. She laughs, I look down at her. Her eyes teary. I let her go, watching her run to him. Squeezing him tight, he smiles up at my. Striking me. This is a sick joke. Right?
"Hi Bill!"
He giggles, closing his eyes. What the fuck?

Sara pulls away, looking up at him. I glance behind them, noticing their mother with a syringe in her hand. I cringe watching it pierce her arm. Drawing blood. Her head falls back against the couch, but I'm pulled from my thoughts when Liam comes near me. I back up, bumping into a wall with a soft gasp. He laughs.

"What are you doing, silly? Why didn't you say you were dating my sister sooner?"
He smiles happily, I feel ill. I don't know him well, but I can see the same sheer terror on Sara's face as there is on mine. This isn't normal for him.
"Aren't you supposed to beat my ass or something?"

I say lowly, keeping my eyes on his. Waiting to catch that switch but it never happens.
"No? Why would I do that? She loves you."
Sara bursts into tears, making us both turn to her. Liam tilts his head, lurking towards her. I feel my body tense, hoping to god that he's not lying.

"Are you okay, sis?"
He asks, Sara looks up at him. Wiping her eyes, she's still so pretty when she cries. Though I don't prefer that.
"I-I'm just happy that you're back to yourself."
She breathes out a soft laugh, Liam smiles. I bite my lip nervously, the fear is killing me.

"I told you I'd do it for you, Sara. I couldn't bear it anymore."
He says, glancing back at me.
"And you found a boy, a friend. How could I take that away from you, too?"
His voice breaks, and for a second, my heart does too. But are we going to ignore their mom or is it that normal?


*Sara's POV*

I pull the covers up over my body, flinching when my door opens. The figure lurks to me, I tear up. Waiting for the yelling to kick in, the slurring or lectures. Hitting, being tossed around. But it never happens. Instead, a soft peck on my temple, followed with hands running through my hair.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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