Hello, Mr. Policeman.

205 9 57

sorry for the April fools joke pookies...


Sunday, June 28th.

"NOOOUHH!" Luna whines, stomping his feet onto the padded carpet. Mars, who was sitting on the couch, eyes him. "What happened?" He questions, his eyes trailing back over to the TV. "The next episode of my show is delayed by a week!" The teen complains, plopping over onto the couch next to Mars, sighing in defeat. Mars rolls his eyes. "It's just a week, you're not gonna die, Luna." The red-head acknowledges, turning the television up. "Yes, I will! They delayed it last week, and now they're gonna delay it this week again!" They pout, throwing a pillow onto his face.

"Hush." Mars exhales deeply, his eyes glued onto the television. Then, Earth comes into the room seeming exauhsted. "Well, hello to you too." Ares greets the individual, scooting over so Earth could accompany him on the seat. The navy haired adult complied, falling onto the seat next to Ares. "What's up with you?" Mars asks, glancing over at Earth who groans. "I, am tired as fffuck.." The latter replies, slouching over into the couch. Mars pats his shoulder, keeping his gaze onto the television.

Soon, the two heard the sounds of their front door being unlocked, sending a shiver down their spines. Mars slowly turned to look at the passage way, furrowing his brows as the door opened.

What he didn't expect was to see none other than thwir local police officer Venus! Mars is a bit flabbergasted on how he came in. Earth, too.

Venus walked over to the TV, leaning on a wall before muttering a simple: "Yo." In his gruff voice.

Earth and Mars glanced at each other before Mars opened his mouth to speak. "How.. Did you..?" They tilt their head slightly, confused. Venus rolls his eyes, admiring the blank wall before him. "You reckless idiots keep a key under the mat like those stupid people in TV shows." They grumbled, averting his gaze towards the couple.

Ares groans, nudging Gaia in his side. "I told Earth to quit doing that." He claims, staring at Gaia sternly. Gaia puffs, "You can't tell me what to do." He admits, stubbornly. "Earth." Venus and Mars say in union, causing Earth to look baffled. "I was just kidding!" They put their hands up defensively.

Venus nods. "Sure," He looks elsewhere, taking a notebook out of his blue uniform pocket. They snatching a pen from their shirt pocket, clicking it twice before beginning to write. "Last night Jupiter called me cause one of his stupid ass kids went missin'." He mumbles, tearing the note off the book, stuffing the paper into their shirt pocket. Earth's breath hitches as he immediately looks away, eyeing Luna, who was still occupied with his phone.

"I think her name was.. Europe.. I dunno." Venus shrugs, crossing his arms. Luna perks up at the call of his schoolmates name, a bit confused as he didn't notice Venus walk in. "Her name is Europa. What happened?" They enunciated, sitting up in their seat. "Last night she didn't come back to Jupiter. Y'Might have an idea why?" Venus asks, clicking his pen as he prepared to write again. Luna shook his head, "No, sorry." He whispers, worried for the well-being of his classmate, even if they weren't exactly friends. Venus sighs again, clicking his pen again.

Earth cleared his throat, feeling the tense atmosphere. He chuckled nervously as he stood up. "You only come here for food," They smile, chabging the topic. "I made pizza!" He exclaims, walking past Venus and into the kitchen. "Oh hell yeah, get me a slice of that." Venus snickers before following behind Earth.

In the kitchen, Earth equips a pizza cutter. "Plates are in the-" "Top cupboard to the farthest right, I know." Venus rolls his eyes. "Plus, I don't need no plate, I have patrol to do." Aphrodite states, waving Gaia off. The ocean haired individual huffs, not quite appreciating when others don't do as he expected. "Alright." They pout, cutting a slice of pizza for the long-haired, red-head.