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Keys can be heard as they jingle turning back and forward inside the key hole, and a loud creek from the door bouncing off the walls as it opened, heavy and tired feet shuffling inside the apartment.

The man Daniel lets out a loud and heavy sigh as he takes off his coat and shoes leaving them both by the door. He slowly and carefully started to make his way down the hallway trying not to run into anything as it was pitch-black he made his way to his living room but stoped dead in his tracks as he seen one single light on in his home.

"What the hell?" he said moving towers the light, he made his way over bending down and turning it off. As he stood back up straight and turning around he seen the most piercing set of copper orange/ golden eyes he has ever seen in his entire life staring him down.

Daniel almost sent something flying at the women but decided not to for the better. "Who are you" he called out to the women as she sat there in an arm chair legs crossed with a smug smile on her face. 

She heard the fear in his voice and the quickening of his heart as it thump faster and faster. 

"Please have a seat Mr.Molloy there are some things I wish to speak to you about, about the interview that you put out with mister Louis Depoint Dulac" she said with a serious face and tone uncrossing her legs "MY side of the story"

"What" Daniel thought to himself "YOUR side of the story? So does that mean that..?" "Yes I was also the lover of Louis Depoint Dulac and Lester de Lioncourt" she said stand up from her chair.

'But-but how? Louis never made a mention of you..another lover? " Daniel questioned the women, "Yes I know I feel as if He erased every memory of me out of his mind" she said to Daniel a little offended "That he did" he said back to the women. "But before we get this started" "who are you?" Daniel asked the women

I am Y/N Depoint Dulac the wife of Louis Depoint Dulac.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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