Brother sister

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All are happy Krishna relationship with his father was now normal... They decided to go for lunch outside... Bt Krishna have to attend some urgent meeting.. so he told them to come directly for the office at lunch time...

Harsha picked up Kavya and Bhavya... And they reached Krish office..

They went inside.. all employees r shocked to see Harsha in formal dress... And talking with girl with smile...

On other side Krish meeting was completed he is waiting for them.. suddenly he heard his cabin door knocked...

Kr: (in authority tone) come in..

He got full angry seeing the person it's none other than Tara...

Kr: U here? Get out of my office...

T: tch tch tch.. baby... R u not happy seeing me?

Kr: shut up... Yu r interfering in my life haa.. I know u only spikes Bhavya &Kavya drinks...

T: (confused) what I spiked only Bhavya drink... Where d hell this Kavya came from.. whatever... Where is Ur so called fiance... Ohhhh.. the marriage was cancelled na... That's why u r being alone.. so sad... Where is Ur God given sister...

Suddenly door open... All three went inside...

K: surprise...

They shocked to see Tara there..

K: u fox.. u here...

T: ohhhh come on Kavya... Don't u think I have something to deal with u... Afterall the marriage was cancelled na...

She stopped by hearing laughing sounds Kavya and Bhavya...

T: u both got mad... Oh I think marriage cancellation got effected u both...

K: hahaha fox baby... Sry to burst Ur bubble... I asked 3 days na.. bt within less than 24 hrs I got success in my challenge...

T: hahaha do u think I'll believe u...

K: baby wait naa Harsh u have taken video na? Show it to her...

Harsh shows her the video of them hugging eachother...

T: this can't be happened...

K: bt fox baby it happens... Thanks to you... Due to your spiking only I win & you lost the challenge... I'm very lazy to explain to you everything... Now come on u have to sit on your knees and say to sorry to Annaya...

Tara felt defeated for the first time in her life... She sit down with her knees...

T: (looking down) I'm sorry...

K: now don't even dare to play with others emotions...

T: I won't leave u easily...

She went from there furiously.. Krishna hugs Kavya tightly...

Kr: Thank you so much Kavya... I'm very happy today... you are the best sister...

K: I know... and you are the best bro...

To change the situation... Harsh and Bhavya started conversation...

H: hello I have best sister... My sister is better than your sister.. your sister knows only talking until our ears gets bleeding...

B: haaa I have best brother...

K: haha ur brother is total boring... And u Hulk what u said im total talkative.. wait I'll kill u..

She starts beating him... All laughs...

B: here Change this..

Kr: what's this..

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