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Hello Wattpad, it's me.. Who am I? Good question, some know me as Josh. But am I really Josh. This is good reasoning to think - to know what I really am ? Or who I really am ? I'm not into the normal write about this, write about that, to me that's very trivial, very blah. Let's look into this deeper and take an understanding on who this might be ?

and freeze.


So where have I been, I been in a slumber, trying to think, of perfect ways to make this story true. I travelled my mind, and took abuse from these outsiders long enough to shallow up this knowledge in a simplistic realization knowing thinking understanding that.

                                                                                 LIFE IS BULLSHIT!!!

I been through dating, I been through lies, I been through it all. 

But now I found my true self. 

*coughing in the background*

EXCUSE ME!! A voice of a simple man could be heard, "Yes EXCUSE ME!" It's getting louder. "Do you know that the person talking isn't really Josh, the Josh you all know and love has been taking over by an artifical alien spieces known as BLAH. I know so boring right, maybe that is why he is so fucking boring look at this moron, he comes on here to write some bullshit that won't even make fucking sense, he doesn't even fucking hang out with friends anymore, sits at home and does nothing. he is passed being a loser. A complete waste of sperm."

Don't listen to that voice everybody that is a distraction. I'm doing great I promise. 


No serisouly shut up, don't tell them that.

"TELL THEM WHAT, that you are a LIAR!"

no don't do it. Please I will do anything don't tell them what I really am.

"Josh is fraud, he can't write for shit. Look at all these stupid ass poems and stories, shit that nobody even read's. But look at half the fucking idiots on WATTPAD a bunch of preteen fucking girls who rather read a bunch of stories of vampires jacking off and wearwolf guys fucking. Give a break Society is a joke, I am here to end it."

See now you can see he isn't rational, I mean I love vampires jerking off. Sometimes and who doesnt love a good werewolf love story, I mean don't get me wrong I cry over Slice Of Life Animes always, and romantic films. Maybe I want to be like them, not really a teen or a girl or whatever, I don't know WTF I am saying. I just want to be loved. That's what I want.

"Love is for losers you fucking fool."

Why must you always curse.

"Because I fucking can and I fucking will you pussy ass 40 year old loser. Hey you fucking low life scum bucket I saw that movie they made about you, The 40 year old virgin, lol you fuckin baby, is that you, sitting in mommy and daddies house still watching your silly little Anime and playing with dolls."

No because I had sex at like IDK 27 or 28 I was a late bloomer. 

"Good job telling the internet when you got laid, fuck basket I fooled you again."

IDC - who gives crap - 

"I am you remember."

You always thinking 

"I'm always thinking."

I am you.

This is you.

Tell them.

show them

"This is what it's like."

You are a fraud

A fake 

a liar

a thief 

"Simple Life isn't easy.

There is still alot to see. 



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