The Balcony story..

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* Author's Note : In this chapter I will be telling the story by Nia's P.O.V., So I will use "I" instead of "Nia".

Nia, I found myself becoming increasingly busy with each passing day. My schedule was packed with both work and personal commitments, leaving me with little time to spare. I had even stopped taking breaks to go out to my balcony for fresh air and relaxation.
It was just another day and After so long I was tending to my beloved plants on the balcony. As I opened the door to give them some much-needed water, I glanced down the roadside and what I saw.. it was him - Allen. He was standing there, gazing up at the sky, lost in thought. Suddenly, our eyes met, and I quickly closed the door, startled by the unexpected encounter.
Damn !!
One day again, I was drying the clothes on the balcony, I just turned back casually and ... again I saw Allen sitting on the bike and looking at me.
OMG !!
It was a beautiful day, and I was chatting away on the phone while enjoying the fresh air on my balcony. Down below, the neighbourhood kids were having a blast playing on the street. Just then, out of nowhere, Allen zooms in on his bike and parks it right in front of his house. But instead of heading indoors, he started chatting with the kids, and I couldn't help but notice he kept glancing up at me.
I just got angry and left the balcony.
The next day, it was a sunny afternoon and I was standing on the balcony, arranging beautiful flower pots. I was doing it intentionally at this time because I wanted to avoid any clashes with Allen. It was a peaceful moment and I was enjoying the sight of colorful flowers swaying in the gentle breeze.
But don't know what destiny wants,
Allen zooms in on his bike with his mother seated behind him. Suddenly, the sound of his bike grew louder and I turned to see Allen returning alone. What could have happened? As it turns out, he had dropped off his mother at home and was now gazing up at me!!
Damn !!
What should I do?
"What this guy wants?? He is screwed up really,". I thought. I was completely out of my mind.

Recently, she has been experiencing a great deal of stress due to her demanding work life. However, whenever she takes a moment to reflect on her family, a warm and affectionate smile naturally graces her lips, and all of her worries and anxieties seem to dissipate. Despite the challenges that she may face in her professional life, the love and support of her family, specially mom, serves as a constant source of comfort and strength, providing her with the motivation and inspiration to persevere through even the toughest of times.

The next day, Nia, I stepped out onto my balcony to search for something and spotted Allen outside his home. I froze, hoping he wouldn't see me. I decided to play it cool and avoid eye contact. However, right when I was about to leave, something unexpected happened...
Allen was jamming out and playing the coolest tunes, trying to catch my attention because I wasn't paying any attention to him. It was epic!
Damn !!!
I was so much angry and Closed the balcony door loudly.
Now, this is getting too much !! I was now worried.
Today, it was a lazy Sunday morning and I was out on the balcony, sipping on some hot tea and enjoying the beautiful weather. I saw someone abruptly stop the bike right in front of my house! It was strange and caught me by surprise. I just looked down and was shocked!! It was Allen again!!
At first, I thought he might have lost something, but as I watched him more closely, it became clear that he was trying to steal a glance at me! How Can I believe it?

In the meantime, Allen's mother used to wave at me daily from their home because I stopped going down for walks in the garden. However, since I am working from home, I have no reason to go anywhere daily except for when I go to the market. One day, Maria called me up and asked me to play badminton. Being a good player myself and someone who loves playing the game, I couldn't resist her invitation. I told her to come in the evening after my office hours.
I called Maria but she didn't receive my call. I almost reached to her home by calling her continuously and I was strolling down the street with the badminton racket in my hand,  all of a sudden their house door opened and what I saw !!
Allen was coming outside of the home and There was a phone in his hand and it was ringing.
"Damn !!! So the phone is with him." I thought.
He was staring at his phone while looking towards the garden opposite to me. Suddenly, he turned his head and caught a glimpse of me. The expression on his face was priceless - pure shock! I could tell he wasn't expecting to see me there.

But despite all the previous frustration I felt towards him, Don't know why I couldn't help but feel something different this time. As I laid my eyes on him, I couldn't help but feel captivated by his charming and dapper appearance. While I had seen him before at a party, this time he looked like a young adult heartthrob - his neatly combed hair, sharp jawline and stylish attire giving him an air of confidence and allure. I couldn't help but be drawn to him, wondering what is happening to me!!!!

I just couldn't bring myself to be rude to him.
I tried to have a normal conversation with him though this was an awkward situation with me to talk to a boy who stared at me always but it was the only option to stop myself from going into a weird situation that I was feeling from inside.
" Where is your mom"? I asked him.
No answer!!!!
He was still looking at me like he just wanted to see me so badly.
"Allen" !!! I called his name in a low tone.
He came into reality after hearing his name and just answered me " She was here only. I will find out where she is".
"No no !! I will play with Riya till the time your mom doesn't come. You do your work." I replied hurriedly.
" Ok, He said turning back and realized Riya is actually there.

Oh!!! what a close call! I just realized that Riya had been hanging around for a good 2-3 minutes while I was talking to him and just now had an escape from that awkward situation with Allen.As I made my way over to Riya, I couldn't help but notice Allen still keeping an eye on me.

As I immersed myself in the game, my love for badminton took over and I became lost in the thrill of it all. Time flew by and I hardly noticed who was around me. Suddenly, Maria appeared out of nowhere, and as I turned to greet her, I caught a glimpse of Allen making his way towards us.
He quietly stopped behind Riya, strategically positioning himself in a spot where he could get a clear view of me. I couldn't help but notice his face, which was visible to me besides Riya.
Our eyes met a few times, and each time it left me with a strange feeling inside. It was like an unspoken connection that I couldn't quite put my finger on. Don't know what it is.

After a thrilling game session that lasted for almost half an hour, Riya and I sat down to catch our breath. But the fun wasn't over yet, as Allen and another boy decided to start a new game. Meanwhile, my friend Riya and I thought it would be nice to take a walk. As we strolled around, I couldn't help but notice that Allen kept glancing my way at least ten times. As we continued our walk, the game finally came to an end. Every was saying goodbye to each other.

As I stood there, he walked past me, his eyes locked onto mine the entire time. I couldn't help but notice the alluring scent of his cologne that lingered in the air long after he left. It was so captivating that I found myself lost in thought.
It seems like I am struggling to comprehend my own feelings. It's bizarre, but I have despised this boy for a considerable amount of time because he would always look at me. However, today, I find myself drawn to his gaze. It's perplexing, and I can hardly fathom why I feel this way. It's as if I have lost my mind!

As I stepped inside my cozy abode, the familiar aroma of home welcomed me. I decided to treat myself with a cup of herbal tea to calm my senses. The soothing warmth of the tea and the subtle flavors of the herbs helped me unwind and relax. Have you ever found yourself in a situation where your heart is racing and your mind is clouded with doubts? That's exactly what's happening to me right now. I am a successful woman with a steady career, and yet, I can't seem to shake off this feeling of attraction towards a much younger boy. Allen, a college boy who is at least 3-4 years my junior, has caught my eye, and I can't help but wonder if I am a complete fool for letting myself feel this way. Though He will be Passed out of college and will be working with a company in almost 6-7 months. But Still Right now He is a student of course!!
But then again, why should I feel that way? Is it wrong to be drawn to someone younger than me? Perhaps it's just a passing phase, and I should ignore it all and let it sort itself out with time. After all, It's no surprise that guys his age find themselves drawn towards females - it's natural!, and I should be mature enough to handle this situation with grace and poise.
After a long day of activities, I felt the need to distract my mind. So, I decided to call my mom to talk about my day and share my things with her, of course not about the crazy one. It was a great way to relax and take my mind off things that were bothering me!!

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