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Hi everyone! Part 7 is finally here! I've finally decided on continuing after all of you commented on the cliff hanger on the previous part. If you haven't yet, please do read parts 1-7 first before continuing!

Can't wait to get this series up and going! :)


The ginger groaned as he walked through the hallways. He had made a mistake. He had taken advantages of his lover's love. How was he going to make it up to him?

He took the chance as he approached one of the brunette's classmates, asking politely.

"Hi, have you seen Dazai? He wasn't here and I need to give him back his assignment and homework." 

The student hummed, "I think I saw him leaving the building a few minutes ago..." 

The ginger nodded, he already knew that. He needed to know more and where exactly the brunette went.

The student's friend chirped in, "Oh!  He was with Fyodor-kun. Now that I think about it, they both skipped the rest of the lessons. They look like such a good couple."

"Exactly! They match each other so well. I really need to get one of them to tutor me."

The ginger froze on the spot as he quickly regained his composure and chuckled, "Thanks a lot. I'll go give him a visit to pass him his work."

The students nodded as they strolled away, still chattering on and on about the non-existent couple. They hate each other, Chuuya shouted internally. He's going to get the brunette back.

"Fyodor, you fucker. Better watch your hands..." The ginger mumbled as he hurried to the staff room.


Fyodor watched the younger squeeze himself to the upmost corner of the couch, cuddled in one of his furry blankets that was long forgotten in his store room and sipping the coffee he had just handed to him.

"What happened? Got into a fight with your lover?" Fyodor mocked as the brunette rolled his eyes but kept quiet.

"Suddenly coming to me to ask if you could stay over..." The raven haired mumbled as he leaned over to come face to face with the brunette who ignored him before snickering "You could've just said no." 

Fyodor stayed silent, making himself comfortable beside Dazai but still keeping a fair distance between them.

"How could I say no?"  The russian smiled, a sickening smile which made the brunette frown.

"So? What happened?" Fyodor asked again as the brunette shrugged, not willing to tell the other. However, it only took a bit of pestering on the raven's part for the brunette to finally rant to him.

"His obsession with sex is beyond me." The brunette complained as the raven haired chuckled before wisely saying, "Why not threaten to break up with him?" 

"You think i haven't thought of that? It didn't work!" Dazai whined, slamming the cup of coffee onto the glass table so hard Fyodor was scared it would shatter.

"Then you didn't break up with him?"  The raven haired gently placed a coaster underneath the cup of coffee. One of those fancy ones that Dazai hated. Chuuya had a similar one too. Acting on his instincts, the brunette ripped the coaster from the table and threw it across the room. 

Despite the brunette's little tantrum, the raven haired just smiled and replaced the coaster with a tissue paper instead. He had sensed the brunette didn't like the coaster.

Dazai scoffed continuing, "I can't leave him." 

The raven haired raised a brow, "You're tied to him? Let me guess, arranged marriage? Or even better, forced by blackmail?" 

The brunette denied both assumptions and that made Fyodor even more curious as he continued, " So you actually love him? It doesn't seem like he feels the same, does it?" 

Dazai frowned and reluctantly nodded.

Noticing the brunette's sudden change of behaviour, he decided to test his luck.

"Who is your partner anyway? I might be able to vision it better if you tell me." 

However, the brunette was still on guard, "Don't try you rat! Haven't you heard of curiosity kills the cat?" 

"But you say I'm a rat?"  The raven haired countered as the brunette whined out a gibberish complaint.

"Then why don't you just leave him and date someone better. Im sure there's many in our school who would love to date you." 

"I don't like anyone in our school. They'll all just hang on my coattail because I'm smart."  The brunette said rather proudly.

The raven haired hummed, leaning into the couch as he glanced at the brunette who was seemingly staring into the distance as if deep in thought.

"Then why don't you date me?" 

The brunette's head slowly turned to face the other as his eyes widened. Whether it was from realisation or disgust....

We're all not sure.

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