The Roberto Enucci hit

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The weather was nice and hot on a Monday afternoon when an important, wealthy business man came back from a wedding in Taormina, Sicily. His name, Roberto Enucci, the most feared and respected crime boss of the 21'st century. The vehicle with the airplane stairs rode up to the door as The don rose from his chair and greeted his associates with a firm handshake. He walked down the stairs slowly, like a rusty wind-up toy soldier as he was speaking to his bodyguard, Luca. "Just remember, sir, that we have to take extra precautions. One of the Dons put a price on your head and every single little goon is gonna try to take advantage of it." stated Luca. Luca was an overweight man in his late thirties. His hair appears like it hasn't been washed for weeks and he slicked it back to stop people noticing, even though its jet black and hardly noticeable. he wore a thick gold chain around his neck with "non servo il paese, ma la famiglia" engraved into the rings. On his hand, he wore a knuckle duster with "Per i ratti" written on it in cursive with permanent marker. In his other hand, a luger, a civil man's gun. He also wore a burgundy, button-up shirt which was covered with a brown leather jacket. "Well, who would want to hunt me down if I was somewhere where no-one would expect me to be." Don Enucci raised as an idea. "Tell Francisco to pick out the furthest place from here." commanded the don. They reached the Mercedes g-wagon and started to drive towards their destination, long street. Once they arrived at the town, it was obvious that something was off. A majority of the windows were boarded up or even bolted shut. The only buildings that had any sign of life were small family-owned shops and large businesses. "Pull up over here. I've got someone to meet." Roberto commanded. His dry, bony hand curled around the handle like a withered Venus fly trap and turned with a little struggle. As  he struggled out of his seat, his focus shifted towards an alleyway with red spray-paint on it's right side. Then suddenly, a voice came from the space. "Ey, Roberto. How's it been mio amico ?" said the man in the ally. He sported a beige trench coat, a fedora and black leather gloves and he had a lit cigar hanging out the corner of his mouth. "Jessey, my old friend." The don replied. Jessey reached out his hand for a handshake which, naturally, Enucci accepts. He then pulls Roberto's hand towards his chest, took a revolver out of his coat pocket, pointed it towards his gut and fired. The old man's face quickly turned white and his eyes rolled to the back of his head. As Enucci thumped to the ground, his killer quickly examined his clothes and turned all of his pockets inside out, taking valuable items as he did so. The hatted man then quickly escaped through his alley to their base of operations, the repurposed hat factory. He raced up the stairs to tell the boss that he was successful. Then Jessey arrived at his destination which was a large oak door. It opened as soon as the maid heard the man's footsteps. "Good news boss, the deed was done." Jessey stated with a proud expression. "Wonderful. I knew I could trust you with a task such as this." the don replied. "So, where's the pay. I thought I would get it up front." Jessey questioned. "My boy, we all know that Ricky handles the cash. Go over to his after our talk and he'll give it right to you." Don Vinercci replied to his son. "Pop, we've been over this. Ricky is a scumbag. He never gives me the money that you promise me also always, and I mean literally always keeps like half the motherfucking money for himself!" he exclaimed with great rage. "Well then tell him that if he ever does that shit again, I'm going to take his balls so he can't do shit with Irene or whatever the hell her name is. Remember boy, I'm always going to be here for you ." The boss reassured his boy. "You're the best, dad." Jessey said to his dad before embracing him. "I love you to, son." The don replied. The boy then walked downstairs to Ricky's apartment and banged on his door. "What the fuck could you possibly want. I'm halfway into boning Irene." Ricky said while he stood half naked in the doorway. Jessey then grabbed Ricky by the wrists and pinned him to the wall behind him. "Listen you man-slut douchebag. Pops said that if I don't get my 50 thousand then he'll have your testicles and you will never be able to be balls deep in a Brazilian hooker again, do you understand me brother!" he shouted. "C-come on Jessey, you're acting like your bitch ex. Are you nuts aswell?" Ricky asked worryingly. Jessey then pulled out a stiletto knife and pointed it to Ricky's neck. "Oh I'm dead fucking serious. Do you want to know how much pain a man can endure while having his entire neck slit?" The armed man asked menacingly. "Don't escalate it Jess! Here, just take your money and leave me the fuck alone ok?" Ricky said as he handed him a fat stack of 20 pound notes. "Pleasure doing business with you Rich!" Jessey said as he walked away to his room to store away his earnings. "Today was a good day." he thought to himself, "Today was a really good day".

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