The Man In The Trunk

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The next day, Don Vinercci and his sons were walking down the street to make sure that they were getting payed enough by their clients. Walking in front was Giovanni, the oldest and most brutal member of the long street mob. His hair was bleached white and curled so it resembled a sheep, this made him have the nickname "The ram". He wore a beige suit with a wine-red tie along with a white shirt, a beige waistcoat, beige trousers and and brown Giorno Armani shoes. Standing at the side of his father was Ricky. He wasn't as dapper as his older brother. He was wearing only a vest, chain, levis jeans and  converse shoes. On the other side, Marco. He wore a vest covered by a red leather jacket and brown jeans. Marco always carried some kind of weapon from concealed knife or pocket gun all the way to an aluminium bat or shotgun. Then at the back, our boy Jessey. He wore everything from the day before, well, apart from the trench coat which was soaked in blood. Finally, in the middle, Don Alberto Vinercci. He wore a navy blue pinstriped suit with brown shoes and matching fedora. His coat was over the top of his shoulders and his hands were in his trouser pockets. Alberto had long, brown hair and appeared to be in his mid forties. They walked down the street until they found something very, very wrong. A casino has opened on their street without their control. "Hey boss, what's up with this trying to run us out of our gambling profits?" Ricky asked. "I don't know boy, but this doesn't look like someone we can manipulate with a cheap threat." The boss replied. "Should we go in, sir?" Jessey asked. "I'm gonna  show those bastards how hard it is to get away with a stunt like this, eh pop?"  Marco suggested. "Calm down son, there's no reason to be violent when we don't know what their deal is." Don Vinercci said in reply. The boys then walked into the building and realized that it was getting way more attention than their owned gambling operations. "Welcome to William Hill Vegas. How may we help you today?" asked a worker in a blue vest. "Yeah, can we speak to your boss? Its about business." Alberto asked the worker. "Right away sir, upstairs, fifth door to your right." replied the worker with a slightly worried expression. The boys then walked up the stairs and Giovanni knocked on the door of Mr. Hill's office. "Come in gentleman, I've been expecting you." William said. "What in the fuck. You don't even know you, we never met, you don't even know why we came to talk to you. How in the ever-loving shit could you possibly expect us." Marco demanded in a hot-headed manner. "Oh, but I do know you, and your deal. I purposefully opened a location here to prove that you Guinee fucks couldn't do anything to me even though you tried. Do you really think I'm going to fear a group of man children in fancy dress? Who are you trying to fool?" Mr. Hill replied. "Woah, how dare you talk to my family that way you arrogant stuck up piece of shit. We went through the struggle, we have blood on our hands, we earned our riches, so did we do all of that to be disrespected by a born into business man with an Ellen DeGeneres ripoff haircut, I don't think so Bill!" Giovanni stated as he got closer and closer to the CEO. "Well, what else do you expect from a man who's networth will soon be in the billions. Now either get out of my sight or I'll get the security to throw you out!" William demanded. The boys leave the building and start to head back to their home as they try to figure out a plan for revenge. "Hey Marco, do ya still have that bottle of chloroform on you?" Alberto asked his son. "Of course sir, but how are we going to do this discretely?" Marco asked his dad. "Leave that to me, I've got the blueprints of every building in all of Warwickshire." The boss stated. It is now ten o clock at night and Mr. Hill is getting ready for bed. However a surprise is their to meet him. When he looks down to spit out his toothpaste, Giovanni  pressed the chloroform rag onto his airways. An hour passes before he is finally conscious again and he woke up tied up in the trunk of a car facing the Atherstone canal. "Well, this is where all of your kind words get you, Mr. Vegas. Enjoy your last seconds of being alive. Boys, wack him." The don commanded. Then, an entire magazine was unloaded into his stomach. "Get the chains boys. This has got to be one of our easiest hits." The don smirked to himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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