𝔸/𝕟 / ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 1.

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A/n - Heyyyy babesss!!

Welcome to the love story between you and the most adorable little drone. No but like he's so adorable. So adorable that ima get the N plush to cuddle.


Anyway, I just wanna lay out some things before we start.

Firstly, the art above is my art. Any art with that signiture on is by me.

Secondly, (Y/n) is a girl today so sorry if you're not a girl 😅

(Y/n) = Your name
(L/n) = Last name
(F/n) = Friend name
(H/c) = Hair colour
(E/c) = Eye colour
(S/c) = Skin colour

(F/c) = Fave colour
(L/f/c) = Least fave colour

Alright, this A/n is long enough. Let's get this show on the roadddd!


(Y/n)'s POV:

I sat calmly at my desk, completing some unfinished paper work, when Sam burst through the door. He seemed amused, wide smile and quivering madly. I turned my full attention to him, placing my pen on the desk.

"What's up Sa-"

"IFINISHEDMYNEWEXPERIMENTWANNASEE?" Sam boasted in such a quick voice that I didn't understand a word he said.

"W-What-?" I ask, standing up.

"I FINISHED MY NEW EXPERIMENT, WANNA SEE?" Sam excaimed, a little slower this time.

"Uhhmm sure? Right after I finish this paperwo-"

With that, Sam grasped my hand and darted down the corridor. I yelped at the sudden interraction. People gave us weird looks as we zoomed through the building, and I mean, I couldn't blame them.

"WE'RE HERE!" Sam boasted, "We're here.." he repeated in a more hushed voice. I'm guessing it was so he doesn't scare the drone. Understandable.

The door creaked open, Sam silently giggling. A bit creepy..

Sam led me inside, and I kid you not, what I saw was probably the most adorable drone I've ever seen.

Sam led me inside, and I kid you not, what I saw was probably the most adorable drone I've ever seen

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(A/n - My art ☝️😩💅)

He looked to be a little below my height. From my estimation, (🤓☝️) his head would be up to my shoulders if he stood up. He looked like the other drones, except he had snow white hair that looked SO fluffy. I was tempted to go over there and ruffle his hair. But his face displayed a mix of fear and nervous. Poor guy.. I didn't wanna scare him more.

"H-Hey...little guy.." I whisper, slowly walking towards the drone.

He turned his attention to me, sort of giving me puppy eyes. He...WAS SO CUTE! OMG..... he's the cutest drone I've EVER seen. I bent down to his level, looking him in the eyes. That's when I got the oppurtunity. I slowly raised my hand and ruffled his hair. And I was right. It was SO soft and fluffy. Surprisingly, the drone giggled and looked up at me, a smile forming on his metal face.

"Awhhh...." I cooed. I turned to Sam, "What's his name?"

"Serial Designition N." Sam replied.

"Ima just call him N." I reply, ruffling N's hair again. He seemed to really like when I did that, "What does he like to eat?"


"Oh biscuits." I sigh, "I don't have any on me."

"Oh biscuits." N repeated after me.

My eyes widened as I turned my full attention to him. He had just spoke..! I giggled, N giggled after me. That's when I realised. I think he's copying my actions! I raised my hand to my head, N doing the same. I then rubbed my head, N also doing the same. I blinked three times. N blinked three times.

"I think he likes you!" Sam boasted, which for some reason made me blush,
"I also think I have a whole pack of batteries on me....gimme a seck.."

Sam began searching in his pocket. I turned towards him, N also doing the same.

"Aha!" Sam exclaimed, holding a full box of batteries in his hand, "(Y/n), think fast!"

With that, Sam lunged the batteries towards me. I clasped them in my hands. I thanked him and carefully opened the box. Looking inside, I was shocked. That is a lot of batteries..

I scooped three up in my palm, presenting them to N. N's eyes widened as he flopped his face onto my palm. I whinced in surprise, but stayed calm to not alarm N. The next thing I know, N raised his face but the batteries were no longer in my palm. Glancing over at N, I noticed that a battery was hanging out of his mouth.

 Glancing over at N, I noticed that a battery was hanging out of his mouth

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I giggled and poped the battery in N's mouth. He swallowed it and smiled warmly at me. That's when I felt a warm feeling inside of me. Like a tingly feeling... SNAP OUT OF IT, (Y/N)!! N and I laughed together, he was so fun to be around.

"You're really funny.." I breathed, letting out one last laugh.

"F....Ph....Fu...." N tried to pronounce 'funny'.

"Funny?" I finish his sentence for him.

N nodded. I decided to take this as an oppurtunity to teach N how to say words..


A/n - Well looks like you're basically gonna become N's english teacher-

Well guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! If you did, be sure to vote to show support!

Chapter 2 will most likely be released tomorrow or the next day.

See ya in chapter 2!! Also N will be able to say actual words in chapter 2 lol. And he'll be wearing clothes-

- Lily ♡︎♡︎

Word count: 914⠀⠀⠀⠀

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