Sati x Saransh (Part 1)

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Saransh x Sati

Part 1 🔞 It continued from previous chapter.

Let me clear they will have different story so it's just scene from Grave that I splitted from story.

I wasn't going to publish it here but thought too it won't happen with next part cause.

it will content rape that too consent one, it's not rape actually but who knows knows what I am talking about including weirdest shit that could disgust you too the core so I don't think  amateur readers cup of tea.

I will free that part on 11 th April on Scrollstack for 24 hours so please check it out.

And I am telling you.

©2024. No plagarism is allowed of this story, No means No.

Hope you will enjoy and don't forget to read end Note.

Author's POV

He came running towards his bedroom, his chest was beating wildly while her face kept rotating in front of his eyes making a lone tear slip out of his eye.

He was scared not for her but people around her, he knew his Sati very well, and regretted leaving her alone, when she was awake.

How could he be so careless about her??sweatbeads trailed down his hard chest with horrendous thoughts in his head almost drenching his white shirt with salty liquid portraying  as second skin of his musculanity and he increased his pace in urgency

When he reached near his room, He immediately unlocked the door still thinking his assumption won't come true.

Dim lights blinded his vision for few seconds and the smell of blood invaded his nostrils making him go numb for a while.

He knew he was late and breathed heavily telling himself everything was fine, his baby would be safe until he was there.

He held the chain in his neck praying continuously and trying to calm down his beating heart.

He absent-mindedly moved his fingers through his thick black hair as a gesture of frustration and fear before inhaling long breathes scanning the room illuminated by shimmering blue lights that were switching on and getting off due to an unseen fixed system.

He moved his stare throughout the whole room and sensed her presence in balcony before locking the door from inside.

He took his calculative steps towards the direction and called her out, "Sati...are you fine, Nightangle?"

He knew she would be fine, still his silly heart was always worried for her.

His heartbeat skipped a beat as he waited in silence, but no reply came. Moving forward, he noticed a swing on the balcony, gently swaying back and forth. On it sat a Silhouette, it's shape outlined against the dim light. Smoke circling around that alluring figure, adding to the beauty of her well sculptured figure. But What struck him was that the figure was known to him.

Of course, his wife.

He stared at her with teary eyes seeing the dripping blood from the knife in her hand.

One of her legs rested on the swing while the other dangled freely in the air. Her long brown hair was tousled and spread out wildly around her while a ciggarrete was resting in between her plumpy lips.

Her smoky eyes were cascaded down hiding under her thick eyelashes with a long pointed nose with nose ring dangling carelessly there, her cheeks were soaked with tears while her dark black skin shined in its glory adding the shine to that thin dull red nighty.

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