A New Lover

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Castiel couldn't have been happier. His troubled lover had been dealt with and the perpetrators were, essentially, free. Dean hadn't even been a suspect, and now Danny has barely been given a sentence. This couldn't have gone any better.

Well, it could get slightly better.

Cas followed Pedro's movements with his eyes as the Chilean hunk made his way towards the exit. He watched as Pedro slumped his bag over his shoulder, smiling down towards Danny as the rest of the court began to filter out of the room.

"Come on Cas, let's get out of here," Dean sighed, averting his eyes from Cas and in the vague direction of the man that Cas was so clearly eyeing up. "Cas," he whispered, shaking his head. "Not again. I'm not going to 'deal' with another one of your boytoys once you get bored of him. I can't risk this again."

Castiel didn't have a response. Did Dean really expect Cas to be completely monogamous from now on? Did Dean really think that he could have Cas all to himself? No way.

Dean, now upset at Castiel's blatant disregard for their relationship, pulls himself up from his seat.

"'Guess I'll see you around, then."

Thank fuck. Dean was finally out of the way, at least temporarily, meaning that Castiel could finally pursue the man that had been getting him all worked up in the first place.

It took a little while for Castiel to catch up with Pedro and Danny, but he was never far behind.

After wandering the halls of the mental hospital for a little while, he finally spots the man that he's after. Pedro has his back to Cas, surrounded by a rather large group of people, but none of that matters to Castiel. With no hesitation, Castiel strides towards the man and taps him on his broad shoulders.


"Um, hi. Can I help you?" Pedro says, his eyes locked with Castiel's.

"I'm Castiel." Nothing more needs to be said, surely? Surely Pedro can see what's happening?

"Erm, okay, good for you!" Pedro smiles. What a beautiful smile.

"I noticed you at Danny's trial," Cas smirks. "I have an offer that you may be interested in. Can we go somewhere a little more private?"

Castiel watches as Pedro looks around the room, as though he's checking for something.

"Sure, let me just let them know I'll be out for a bit."

Cas couldn't help but glare at Danny's family. Why are they more important to Pedro than Castiel, angel of the lord? Were they trying to get in the way? If so, they'd need to be dealt with ASAP.

"Let's go," Castiel said as Pedro turned his attention back to Cas.

Castiel quickly transported the pair into an empty room.

"Here's the deal, Pedro. Your client killed my lover. Now I need a new one," Castiel paused to look Pedro up and down. "And you will do nicely."

"Um, what?" Casitel couldn't hide his disappointment as Pedro's expression turned to one of shock.

"You heard me," Castiel said, his face stern.

"I'm frightened." Pedro said bluntly.

Before either man could react to the situation at hand, an entirely new situation unfolds. Plaster flies through the air as a pale, blue eyed, blue eared creature bursts through the wall. Before anyone can comprehend what was going on, the creature opens its thin mouth.

"Ever had one of those days?"

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