Chapter 3

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I found a character. AI. SovBrit bot awehhhhh!
Brit POV:

"ughhh, I hate myself, how did i not relise that earlier, AUGHHH, SHELDON! COM'ERE"
I shout to a small Chihuahua, a stress reliver, but a dog.

my dog comes tiptoeing down the hall with a small squeaky toy almost too big for his mouth, shaped as a bone, I smile and tap the sofa for Sheldon to jump up and lay down on it, as he does that exactly, but he lays his head on my thigh.

"good boy"
I pet him, and I think of something. "Why can't humans be like dogs? I mean, they are happy and clueless, why can't humans be happy and clueless? we are sad and depressed."

Sheldon barks, he's hungry.
"Hungry? Aight, let's get you some dinner."
I get up from the sofa and walk to the kitchen, but I can't help but think about

"him, honestly Sheldon, you would think I've gone crazy eh? Well, not yet. The USSR's back, what's up with that huh? Did he just get out of a mental hospital? (probably) I mean Sheldon, he's fucking crazy, last time I saw him, he was bragging 'bout breaking out of jail." I sigh it was useless of me to be complaining about him to a dog

I pick up his bowl and grab a tin of dog food. I un-can the food and put half of it in the bowl, I put the tin back where it belonged and gave Sheldon his food, I looked at a tea packer but I don't touch it.

"You done already? C'mon Sheldon, I'll put the TV on."

I walk to the living room and turn on the TV, the first thing I see is about the USSR, I stare at it.
"Never mind, bedtime."
I turn the TV off.

With the TV silenced, I make my way down the hallway to my bedroom. I pause at the doorway, looking at the clock and realizing that it's late. Bedtime it is.

I turn off the lights and lie down in my bed, staring at the ceiling as I wait for sleep.

Soon, I drift off to sleep.


I wake up after around six hours, it's five. AM. I stare at the ceiling debating weather I should get up or not. So I look at the end of my bed, Sheldon was asleep.

I get up and let him sleep. When I'm walking downstairs I start think yesterday was a dream, and I sit on my sofa, staring at the ceiling.

"Maybe I should take Sheldon for a walk later. It would be nice to see him happy, unlike me." (CUZ IM JUST A BRITISH DIRTBAG BABY!)

Or I could just let him run around the town and hope he doesn't get kidnapped like every other day... I like the first option."

So I wait till he wakes up and eats his breakfast, more dog food. To take him out tor a walk, even though I don't wanna.

"Wanna go out for a walk? yeah?"


"I'll take that as a yes."

I grab his leash and clip it onto his collar then I grab a coat, as it's still raining from last night, and put it on, lastly I grab my headphones and connect it to Bluetooth and unlock my door, closing it behind me after leaving.

The floor is still flooded and I soon come to my senses that yesterday was not a dream, but infact, real life I let out a small groan and let Sheldon lead the way around the town, he knows where he wants to go.

After a while he has walked over to a dog park, I let him off the leash and sit down on a bench. I see some more countries walking around and go on my phone to pretend I'm busy, occasionally looking up to check on my dog and to look around to see if there is any drama goin on.

I get a paper ball thrown at me.

"who the bloody hell just- oh great. You."


It's the USSR. He flips me off. I open the paper to see the word "засранец" wrote in pencil.

"Newsflash, I don't speak Russian."

"Well why the ебать not? I speak English."

"Then I I don't need to know another language if you speak English. bitch."

"It means Asshole."

I groan, that was so original, its so offensive.
"Couldn't be more creative?"

"you are depressed as fuck. Goodbye, go die in a ditch." He walks away.

what a dick, he actually is as stupid to write Asshole on paper and give it to me, so mean, oh nooooo.

I look at Sheldon and walk upto him with his leash.
"C'mon, we're goin' home."

okay, I have absolutely no idea what to put next and I absolutely hate this chapter, I didn't wanna post it, so you're lucky.

Word count: 832

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