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" Izuku... Dude.. There a butterfly mark behind your ear.." Denki was behind me, leaning over the desk to look.. quickly turned around to stare at him. Denki sighs when he saw the whirlwind of emotions on my face.. but i have a reason to be conflicted, this wasn't the best time for the butterfly to pop up.. like I could of literally walk past them In the hallways.. being in a college is not the place to find your soulmate.. I'm never going to find her.. am i? Closing my eyes, letting out a sigh i turn back around to pay attention to the professor talk " aw.. man.. I'm sor-" stopping Denki from talking by a little shake of my head " no.. it's fine.. I always knew that I was to hopefull to find my soulmate " after that the minutes tick by slowly.. I couldn't focus.. like at all, watching the professor's mouth open and close but no sound reaches my ears..only my thoughts filled my head.. I am so close to finding my soulmate and I'm just going to give up? I wonder what she looks like? I hope she also likes learning.. my body was on Auto pilot as I raised up out of my seat, picked up my bag and walked out of the class, into the hallway.

( Denki P.O.V )

Izuku Midoriya just waiked out of class.. what the fuck.. " well this class is too boring for even the nerd, we are all doomed " Bakugo uttered, leaning to my ear " why don't we get the hell out of this class and go fuck?" He blew his hot air on my ear and he knows what the fuck he is doing to me.. trying to pay attention to the class that I don't give a shit about... his hand rubbing my leg.. fuck.. I can feel my pants get tighter " fuck off.. I'm trying to learn some math here" he chuckled at what I said " this is english, Pikachu. and you don't give a damn about college so come on... I know you want to" he mumbles, getting up and walked out after a minute, I followed like I always do..

- 4 years ago -

" Denki.. honey.. you know mommy loves you right?" My broke ass mother said as she spoke to me like a child " I just really need the money.. you want to make your mommy happy right?" I just wanted her to shut the fuck up already.. rolled my eyes and look at the window.. it was raining out.. like the world was crying for me... fuck the world doesn't give a shit about me, My father left when I was two. I don't blame him, I would to if I had to put up with my mom... my bitch ass mom was dead to me by now.. " Denki just be good for them ok.. they are going be your masters " she goes to hug me " don't touch me.. fucking bit-" the man that brought me come in " The money is In your bank account. However I would like to talk a little to make sure he doesn't have 'any diseases' " my mom nodded to the man like she didn't care that he was talking about me like a dog.. taking my eyes off of the window to scan the man's appearance- Brown hair, Glasses, Suit- That's all I care about before I look back to the window. I'm not a part of this conversation even though it's about me, he has no interest in speaking to me. " He doesn't have any long time conditions like cancer, etc " Mother dearest said, and I didn't have to look to tell that her back was straight, Her hands folded in her lap and one leg over the other. Like she was some perfect mother.. ha! She never been a mother in the first place, So how can she be a 'perfect mother' " Any disabilities like Autism, Blindness in a eye. Anything I should know about 'This piece' " My mother wouldn't know any information like that. she didn't even pay any mind to me at all. So I could tell she was sweating buckets about trying to find the correct answer and she was probably looking over to me, thinking I'll give her a hint But like why would I even help out that bitch? " uh.. nope He's completely healthy and he's in 'working function' if you know what I mean " I could hear the disgusting wink in her voice " okay, I think we are done here. Come on boy, let's go " I'm up and out of that room as fast as time allows me..

he asked me if I was okay, when we get out of the meeting room.. He gets no answer from me. What does he expect? Me to tell him my whole life story, just because he bought me? Yea-Sorry to disappoint you buddy but it's not going to be that easy..

When we get to his house, I take notice of - It's not a really big house, more like a average person will have. It has a small flower garden beside the steps that lead up to the door. a little fence surrounding the yard. perfect cut grass- looking down to the ground as me and the man waik into the house. It's was quiet, after the door closed behind us. It was weird, I wasn't used to this, there was no screaming, Clean floors, it smelt like honey Instead of alcohol and cigarettes.. I feel so out of place here.. dirty pants that are to tight so they are not even buttoned but is covered by the oversized shirt that I wore, I had no shoes on, just one black sock on my left foot. " dear, you're back. I thought the meeting would take longer.. So I'm afraid that I'm not done cooking dinner yet" a women's voice says, I can see her shadow on the wooden floor.. she sounded kind " don't worry about it dear, He has to go upstairs and clean up anyway " I'm a 'he' now? a hour ago, you was calling me 'a piece' and talking about me like a dog.. " sweetie, what is your name? Can you tell me? " This sweet voice of the woman makes me sick to my stomach, It makes her sound fake, like, how can anyone be nice in the horrible world? " You guys haven't given me an name yet Isn't that what you're supposed to do with dogs?" Staring up at her- Blonde hair, Red eyes, Cooking mitt on her right hand- " give you a name? What? You are not a dog " she looked pretty young probably to be around 36-39 " Yeah give me a name- I mean, I'm assuming I'm a dog because your man was talking about me like a dog so do you also expect me to get on my hands and knees and bark too " feeling the man placed his hand on my shoulder, stepping away to the side to get his hands off of me. Scowled at him, the man sighs " upside, the door at the end of the hallway is the bathroom and the door in front, to the left is your room.. please go clean up and we call you when dinner is ready " the all it took and I quickly climbed up the stairs and in 'my room' - big bed in the middle of the room with a black blanket and gray pillows the bed was made neat, a turquoise colored rug underneath, the walls were ash gray, a black desk across from me, on the right side of the bed, it had a fake plant on top, at the corner, a dark gray laptop in the center, a new phone box beside it, a desk chair and a window was behind the desk. There were a door at the end of the bed.. guessing that's the closet- waiking over to the desk, quickly tossed the laptop on the bed along with the phone box and the plastic plant, i tried to open the window.. damn it!, it wasn't opening but when I pull my hands away from it I noticed the paint on the window was still wet.. sitting in the chair, I take a moment to breathe.. leaning my head back on the chair.. this was bad.. but this is he life now..

After minutes I opened the closet- all dark gray long/short sleeves shirts all different sizes, same with the blue jeans folding up below them, gray socks, gray underwear, brown shoes. they all go from small To big - grabbing what i need and head out to the bathroom, I don't care about the detail, all I take in Is there's a sink, toilet and shower and there was a Trash can beside the toilet with a note On it saying "Please throw away the clothes you come with :)" rolling my eyes, put the stuff in my hands on the sink, Pulling off my clothes.. my body is aching from the trauma that has been scarred deep into this body. I leave the clothes on the ground, not caring what they do.. I mean what are they going to do? Kill me? Ha! I like death to be brought upon me..

After I'm done in the bathroom, head back in the room and flopped back on the bed.. damn... it was soft.. I just take a little nap...

( A/n: Leave your thoughts => )

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