The Tragedy

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Aria was in school, sitting in the back of her music class, tapping her pencil to the beat of the song the teacher was playing on the guitar. Suddenly, the intercom crackled to life, and her name echoed through the room. "OOOOOOOOOO!" Thinking she was getting in trouble. Everyone's heads turned, and a chorus of whispers filled the air. Aria's heart skipped a beat. What could she have possibly done to get called to the principal's office? The teacher excused her from the class.

She gathered her things nervously, feeling the weight of everyone's eyes on her as she made her way through the crowded halls. Each step felt like a mile, her mind racing with worry. Did she forget to turn in her homework? Was she in trouble for something she didn't even know she did? When she was walking through the principal's door she thought "What the H-E-DOUBLE HOCKEY STICK did I do?"

When she finally reached the principal's office, her palms were sweaty, and her stomach was doing somersaults. But when she walked in, she was met with an unexpected sight. The principal was nowhere to be found. She was about to go back to class till the vice principal appeared behind,Aria jumped. "YOU SCARED ME MS.TITI!" Aria yelled. "Sorry to startle you, Aria," she said, her voice kind and gentle. "But I have some good news." We got a call from your parents, they just finished their world tour and they are coming back tonight!" Aria started to smile, She was so happy to see her parents after 7 months! Especially because it has been getting boring with just her around. Aria's heart leaped with excitement and relief as Ms. Titi explained that her parents, who had been touring the world with their music, were finally coming home. She couldn't believe it! She had missed them so much, and the thought of seeing them again filled her with joy.

Aria couldn't focus the entire day because she has been thinking about her parents! Aria rushed home,she quickly did her homework and she started waiting for her parents. hours passed and they still hadn't arrived, a sense of unease crept over her. Maybe their flight was delayed, she thought, trying to push away the nagging feeling in the pit of her stomach.

It was getting late so she decided to go to sleep and maybe she'll see her parents in the morning.The next morning she jumped out of bed happy to see her parents.But they still weren't there.....Aria was confused but she started getting ready for school, After getting ready she turned on the news. The news reporter said "Last night, plane xoxo from Japan crashed when it was on its way to New York. The plane had famous singers, Filipe and Ami King. The reporter's words, her world came crashing down around her. Aria couldn't believe what she just heard.Aria fell on her knees and started crying. She lost her parents?! Literally every kid's biggest nightmare. Tears streamed down Aria's face as she struggled to make sense of it all. How could this happen? She felt like her whole world had been ripped apart, leaving her alone and heartbroken."

Aria couldn't go to school. She just laid on the floor and continued to cry. She didn't know what to do.

The morning after the tragic news, Aria couldn't bring herself to face the outside world. She remained curled up in her bed, surrounded by the remnants of her shattered life. Her room, once filled with posters of her parents' concerts and mementos from their travels, now felt empty and suffocating.

As the hours stretched on, the weight of her grief became unbearable. Aria's chest felt tight, her breath coming in ragged gasps as emotions boiled inside her like a tempest raging in a stormy sea. Suddenly, without warning, something snapped within her.

With a primal scream that echoed off the walls, Aria launched herself out of bed and began tearing through her room with reckless abandon. Posters were ripped from the walls, photographs shattered on the floor, and mementos flung across the room like missiles.

Her hands shook with fury as she grabbed anything within reach, hurling it against the walls with all the strength she could muster. Tears streamed down her face unchecked, mixing with the debris as her sanctuary was reduced to ruins.

The sound of splintering wood and shattering glass filled the air, drowning out Aria's cries as she unleashed the full force of her anguish upon the room that had once been her refuge. She didn't care about the damage she was causing, didn't care about anything except the overwhelming pain that threatened to consume her whole.

For what felt like an eternity, Aria raged against the injustice of the world, her screams mingling with the wreckage until there was nothing left but silence. Collapsing to the floor, spent and trembling, she buried her face in her hands and wept until there were no tears left to shed.

In that moment of raw vulnerability, Aria realized that her world would never be the same again. But amidst the devastation and despair, a tiny spark of defiance flickered to life within her shattered heart. She might be broken, but she was still standing. And somehow, someway, she would find a way to survive.

As the hours passed, a knock echoed through the quiet house. Aria barely registered the sound, lost in her own grief. But when the knock persisted, she reluctantly dragged herself out of bed and made her way to the door.

To her surprise, standing on the other side was Ms. Johnson, the guidance counselor from school. Concern etched into her features, she took one look at Aria's tear-stained face and knew something was terribly wrong.

"Aria, sweetheart," Ms. Johnson said softly, her voice gentle but firm. "Can I come in?"

Aria nodded numbly and stepped aside, allowing the counselor to enter. Ms. Johnson's eyes scanned the room, taking in the disarray and the pain etched into every corner. Without a word, she crossed the room and sat down beside Aria on the bed, wrapping her in a comforting embrace.

For the first time since she heard the news, Aria felt safe. Aria allowed herself to cry. The tears flowed freely, washing away some of the pain but leaving an overwhelming sense of emptiness in their wake.

Ms. Johnson stayed with Aria for what felt like hours, offering quiet words of comfort and understanding. She listened as Aria poured out her heart, sharing memories of her parents and the dreams they had for her future. Eventually, as the afternoon sun began to fade, Ms. Johnson gently broached the subject of contacting Aria's family. But as she dialed number after number, each call met with silence or disconnected lines, it became painfully clear that help wouldn't be coming anytime soon.

With a heavy heart, Ms. Johnson turned to Aria, her eyes filled with compassion. "I'm so sorry, Aria," she said softly. "But it looks like it's just you and me for now. We'll get through this together, I promise."

And in that moment, as Aria clung to the only lifeline she had left, she knew that no matter how dark the days ahead might be, she wouldn't have to face them alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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