diary introductions

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Diary intro/flashbacks

Hiiiii my name is Elena Beckham and I'm 20.I'm a football photographer.I was born and raised in England But I live in Spain tenerf , with my family. We're a family of 5 three brothers and one sister. boy:Brooklyn, Romeo, Cruz. girl:Harper, my parents: David, Victoria AND ✨✨ME✨✨.

✨Let me tell how it ALL started✨

7year old Elena POV:
I just woke up and got ready for school I heard the door knocking Brooklyn my older brother was at the door "coming"I said "come on let's go I don't want to be late"he was rushing me now "ok let's go"we went downstairs and ate breakfast (time skip) "bye mommy bye daddy " I said bye to both of my parents "can I go with Lola" I asked if I can go to my besties house "sure but don't you dare talk to pedro" my brothers being overprotective "ew I don't even like him"
I run lo's house I knock on the door to be greeted by Pedro "ugh you again can't someone else open the door" I complain "oh shut up"omg who dose he think he is "who do you think you are just call Lola down"than I hear my brother "be nice el" I roll my eyes "please" I tell Pedro
"Lola Elena's here" he shouts I hear Lola running down the stairs "hiiiii" we both scream and giggle "hiiii" "where's fer"my brother asked for Lola's brother as we're all friends like fer and Brooklyn are friends and Romeo and Pedro are friends me,Cruz doesn't really. like them,me and lo are friends on our way to school we bumped into Hugo and addy.me lo and addy scream and giggle,Hugo and Cruz dap each other up .
After school all of us go lo's house we watched movies a scary movie and there was a jump scare I jumped on someone thinking it was Brooklyn or one of my brothers but NO it was Pedri "AHHHH EWWWWW" everyone laughed after the movie the boys played football us girls made cookies with Miss.Gonzales we had so much fun me Lola and addy went lo's room and we were talking and gossiping yes we gossip at a young age.Lola and Addy froze "girls you ok addy Lola"I saw Lola tearing up "Lola"I whispered "el we're so sorry"now both of them were tearing up what the hell "what" I said being so flipping confused "Elena me and Lola are moving to England" omg no no no I shock my head all of us were tearing up they nodded "please don't go your the only people who understand me" I say crying " I'll miss you so much" we hug and go downstairs to watch Disney movies and than I hear "Elena can you make me or us two promise"ofc I think and say "ofc"ok what are these promises "one you won't forget us"she pointed and her and addy "ofc I won't Lo"I tell her "and two you won't date my brother"she say's "Lo ewwwww I would never date that ugly thing" we all laughed "but seriously promise" "PROMISEEEE" I say and we continue watching After a while like about 2 hours later I hug the girls tight "bye I'll miss you girls"
That was the last memory, I had with the girls.Me and Pedro only bump into each other on the way to school.Other than that, we don't see each other at all I do miss them, as they were basically my family and we were that close after awhile I kinda got used to it until someone new come to our family my baby sister Harper is was born on the July 10, 2011. after that date my life became a living nightmare it's been 8 years since that date and my baby sister's 8 years old and I'm 18 years old.And my baby sister is the most spoiled kid I've ever seen.I went downstairs to eat lunch as everyone was calling me down I go down stairs "holaaaa"I say smilling "shut up no one cares"the spoiled brat says "what did you just say"I ask to make sure she's talking to me "I SAID SHUT UP NO ONE CARES do I need to spell that for you" than i hear a voice laughing the voice how loved me and cared about me my older brother brooklyn his girlfriend Nicola is telling "shh it not funny" I heard her whispering I went outside and wore sweat's and I left the house crying on the day I look miserable and ugly I bumped into Pedro "shit" I whispered "el are you ok" el that's weird "yea umm just" I wiped my tears "no your not do you need a hug" I nodded and started to cry in his chest "it's ok let it all out" I screamed so loud after awhile I heard someone running toward us I swear if that brooklyn I'm gonna slap him so hard but no it's Romeo.Pedri moves and Romeo hugged me tight and said "I know I know" I get out of his arms a scream "NO NO ROME YOU DON'T CAUSE MOM AND DAD LOVE ALL OF YOU BOYS AND NOT ME HE LOVES HARPER BECAUSE SHE'S THE YOUNGEST ME IM STUCK IN THE MIDDLE NO FUCKING LOVES ME ROME" my whole family heard me but guess what I do give a fuck cause the were to busy w harper I hug pedri and say "thank you for the hug you really helped me bye" I said and ran to my room not letting anyone talk to me I get in the shower and I take a shower I do my after shower normal night routine I brushed my teeth and went to bed. (I graduated from photography school and I'm so happy but idk where to go).
I feel really dizzy I feel like you're in a dream. This is not real. This is not real I repeat to myself I try to go back to sleep but I realised this is real and I'm stuck in a dream.I feel like I feel like I'm in a dream, I don't feel Anything is real.It's 4AM I told my self maybe if I went on a walk it would help me I grabbed my headphones and I saw that my dog was wake so I decided to take him with me for protection 
wore this👇🏽

It's 4AM  I told my self maybe if I went on a walk it would help me I grabbed my headphones and I saw that my dog was wake so I decided to take him with me for protection  wore this👇🏽

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Dog reveal

Name:LeoNamed after:Leo Messi

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Named after:Leo Messi

I closed the door behind me and started waking and than I started running but no the dream feeling didn't leave me alone so I just started running and crying until I bumped into someone I look up FUCK NOT AGAIN
Sorryyy 😭😭😭😭
Hope you enjoyed the first chapter xx

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