14 - Devin

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"What the fuck Devin!" Lando yells. I'd been so out of it last night after my call with my dad that I'd forgotten all about Lando and just headed back to my room in our suite. He must've gone out partying because he didn't bug me last night but I'd just walked out of my room and his pissed-off yelling was my good morning. "Where were you last night? My shoulder is completely locked up this morning, I can't even lift my damn arm!"

Lando stood across from my bedroom door, only a few steps in front of me. He was dressed for travel in baggy sweats and a matching quadrant hoodie. His curly hair was a mess on top of his head and his suitcases stood packed behind him at the door. Because of where he was standing I didn't have an easy exit. I suppose after leaving him high and dry last night I should've expected confrontation this morning. 

My eyes felt tight, I knew they were puffy. Lando obviously didn't notice or did and didn't care. "I gave you movements to do Lando. I told you I'm not magic. You have to help yourself that's what physiotherapy is." My words were partial truth. I should've massaged out the muscles in his shoulder last night, made sure everything was still sitting correctly and ensured nothing had torn itself during the race. But I didn't tell Lando that it would just be opening myself up to more insults. 

He scoffed. "What were you even doing anyway? It's not like you have a life."

I stand my ground and cross my arms in front of me. My hoodie bunches up around my arms. "What I do with my free time is none of your business anymore Lando."

"Yeah, you made sure of that. Tell me Devin, what was it about me that made you hate me so much?"

"I don't hate you, Lando."

He fakes a laugh. "Now that's a load of bullshit. You left."

"I never left because of you."

"Really," he says sarcastically. "Then what was it huh? Are you just so sex crazed that the thought of me not being around every day to fuck you was so horrible?" He laughed dryly. "Or did you leave because you're so insecure with yourself that you couldn't bear to be around me?"

"Oh because you're so confident?"

Lando steps closer to me. "At least I know what I want."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Are you sure Lando? Because it seems all you want to do is insult me and blame me because you can't stand the idea that you might've done something to push me away. Maybe it was your fault I left. Did you ever think of that?"

His eyes darkened, and not in a sensual way. Lando was angry, serious and hurt. A deadly combination. "I never did anything but love you, Devin." His voice was so cold it sent shivers down my spine. "You were just too scared to let me anywhere near you. And the minute I told you I wanted you, you fucked me to make me forget. And then you walked out like the coward you are."

I shoved Lando away from me, making sure to avoid his shoulder. He didn't budge so I shoved him again, this time pushing off his shoulders. He winced and I took the opportunity to sidestep him and grab my suitcase. I quickly moved to the exit of the hotel room. Spinning to look back at him I meet his green eyes.

"Like me or hate me, Lando Norris you're stuck with me."

He recovers from the slight pain I caused his shoulder and stares into me. "Just like you didn't want."


Charles is standing outside of the plane at the bottom of the stairs wearing a big white hoodie and grey sweatpants. He was waiting for me. Alex flew back to Monaco for work this morning and was going to miss Saudi so Charles offered me to fly with him to the new city. Of course, I accepted. One of Ferrari's team sponsors was a private jet company. I was not about to turn down a reclining seat and legroom.

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