I think I found my number 1

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From the moment Mitsuba had consciousness, he felt a radiating warmth wrapped around him. He didn't even have to be fully aware of his surroundings to know the culprit- Kou, his ridiculously clingy husband.

Ever since the two had started dating at 15, they had been inseparable. They had faced a lot of challenges, that much was true, but no matter what, they had always been together to face anything that came their way. And even now, 8 years later, they were never any less affectionate with each other.

Mitsuba loved waking up like this every day. Kou's warmth that merged perfectly with his easily chilled skin, The way Kou's legs tangled together with his own, Kou's lingering smell of citrus and rain that made him feel safer than anything else in the world... but as much as he loved all of this, he also loved not hearing one of their three cats loudly yowling at him because god forbid he try to sleep in a little.

Mitsuba shifted as slowly and intricately as he could to not disturb Kou's slumber, looking over at the clock- 10:04 am. It was about time for him to wake up anyway. He didn't have work that day, but he had grown accustomed to waking up early. Mitsuba shifted back to his previous position to look back at Kou. Even if he would never say this to him, he was very pretty while sleeping. The combination of the gaps of sunlight through the bedroom window shining through his honey-colored hair, and the peaceful breaths he took made him look damn near ethereal. Kou's lips slightly parted and small wheezes escaped his lips every few breaths. His fangs slightly poked his lips, he was slightly surprised they hadn't cut his lips yet considering... Okay, maybe it's a bit creepy for Mitsuba to analyze his unconscious husband's appearance. Maybe he should stop. Mitsuba sighed and gave Kou a small kiss on his temple before he carefully slipped out of his arms and off of their bed.

Mitsuba stretched as he rose up, quickly crouching down to give the white-and-black cat her demanded attention. "Jeez Vivi... you're always so noisy..." Mitsuba's hand caressed behind the cat's ears, and she began to purr into his embrace, tilting her head to get as much affection as she could. Mitsuba smiled before he raised himself back up again, beginning to trudge towards the kitchen to get the cat's breakfast ready.

With the walk towards the kitchen comes the gathering of all three cats- Vivian (nicknamed Vivi by Mitsuba) was the clingiest and demanding of the three, practically glued to Mitsuba's legs during his routine stroll around the house just to get to their food cabinet. Momo, who belongs to the Minamoto family, but they had taken on the responsibility of taking care of her due to Kou's brother's apartment not allowing pets and his sister being off at college. She was just as clingy as Vivi, just less vocal about it. And Tora, who Kou found outside of their complex as a kitten. She was the quietest and most reserved of the three, but you would never assume by the way she bit Mitsuba's ankles trying to get him to walk faster.

When Mitsuba finally rounded the corner into the kitchen, the three cats scattered around, waiting for their food to be served to them like the spoiled things they were. He obliged to the demands of the girls, opening the fridge and getting out the homemade wet food Kou made for them. Surprisingly, Kou encouraged spoiling them. But he can't shift all the blame to him, considering he himself might be a large part of the reason they acted in such a demanding and spoiled manner. Sue him, he had a soft spot for cute things! What was he gonna do, not give in to their adorable faces? Kou hadn't ever stopped him, so he never bothered to control himself when treating them as if they were his own children and showering them in love and affection. I mean, it's not like they had children, anyways- he was allowed to indulge a bit in the idea of being a 'parent' of sorts by Kou's side. It was domestic, more domestic than he ever thought would be possible with Kou. He loved every second of it. He grabbed the girls bowls and let himself get lost in his thoughts as he shoveled food onto their platter.

As Mitsuba scooped the last bit of cat food into the girls' bowls, he felt a familiar warmth consume him from behind, slipping its arms around his waist and resting its head against his shoulder.

"Mitsubaaa... you didn't even say good morning to meee..." Kou whined, drowsiness still lurking in his voice as he softly spoke into Mitsuba's neck. The vibrations against his skin made Mitsuba flush a little pinker and his heart beat a little faster. Mitsuba tried to put on an annoyed look as he tilted his head back slightly to see the thief of his heart, but he's sure he looked like a flustered fool. "You were asleep, stupid. You would have no idea even if I had said it..." There was zero bite to Mitsuba's words. Any attempts at so were lost in his eye's journey to Kou's stupid, adorable face.

Kou pouted, groaning as he tightened his embrace. Mitsuba held in a giggle, disguising it as a scoff. Kou was adorable in the mornings- he was clingy, needy and sad like a lost puppy, a side of Kou that Mitsuba didn't see often besides mornings where he woke up before him (which was once in a blue moon.) Mitsuba shifted his position and kissed Kou on his forehead, keeping his face close to Kou's as he spoke. "Morning, Kou. Did you sleep okay?" Kou nodded, smiling at the contact.

Mitsuba's smile only got wider at seeing Kou's grin. His fangs were long and sharp, so when Kou wasn't being mindful of it, they occasionally poked his lips and showed in his smile. Mitsuba wanted to kiss them, the feeling of Kou's fangs against his lips felt so... Kou. Like a reminder it was really him, he was really with him after all this time. Maybe he would act on that thought when he finished what he was doing.

Kou never loosened his grip on Mitsuba, getting more comfortable in their position as Mitsuba tried to awkwardly shuffle around the kitchen to continue what he was doing without disturbing Kou. "Do you have work today? You're usually out of the house by now." Kou muttered, barely above a whisper. Mitsuba shook his head in response. "Nope. I took the day off, that new stylist has been getting on my last nerve and I didn't have any clients for the day so it's not like they needed me anyways." Kou nodded, nuzzling himself deeper into the crook of Mitsuba's neck. Mitsuba wished he could contain his smile.

"Mmh... that's good, Mitsu." Kou placed a soft kiss on Mitsuba's neck, tightening his grip around Mitsuba's waist. The 'typical Mitsuba' part of Mitsuba's brain told him to shove Kou off and call him indecent for such a thing, but he was enjoying Kou's presence far too much to reject him... being a little mean wasn't off limits, however. "Why do you wanna know, perv? Got dirty plans or something?" Mitsuba snickered, till he felt a light pinch on his side, He pulled away dramatically, holding his side and yelping out in pain.

"Are you ever gonna stop accusing me of that?" Kou frowned as he stretched out, letting out a yawn. Mitsuba loudly scoffed. "Are you ever gonna stop being a pervert?" The words seemed to go through one ear and out the other for Kou, because his smile returned just as quickly as it dropped. "But anyways- no, not really. I didn't have any particular plans, I just..." Mitsuba watched as Kou's demeanor shifted to a more bashful one, that same big-toothed smile returning as bright as he remembered the sun to be.

"...I just wanted to be with you today. I miss taking you out, doing things for you... y'know?"

Mitsuba swears he hadn't felt anything even close to how he felt falling for Kou for the first time; But he feels like he's 14 again when Kou says things like that. He can't help but crumble under the weight of his own heart.

"...I wouldn't mind going out today." Mitsuba crossed his arms, trying to avoid looking directly at the sun, his sun. He knew his joy would be too bright for him. Even then, he could practically hear Kou beaming at the acceptance of his proposal. It was ridiculous. How was he this endearing? He hated how much he loved him... but he was so glad he was the one he loved.

"Anywhere you wanna go in particular?" Kou tilted his head, trying to meet Mitsuba's gaze even with his resistance to do so.

"Nope. Surprise me." Mitsuba had never been so interested in looking at the floor.

Kou nodded, stepping forward to leave a quick peck on Mitsuba's forehead. "I'll start getting ready. Come get ready with me when you're done here." Kou left the conversation at, walking out of the kitchen to what Mitsuba could only assume would be their bedroom. Once he was sure Kou was gone, he tore his gaze from the not-so-interesting floors.

Kou was a lot of things- stupid, perverted, super-lame, clingy, nerdy- but he was also his and his alone, so maybe he didn't care at all, really. Maybe being so smitten over someone with those traits made him just as stupid, perverted, super-lame, clingy and nerdy.

He doesn't think he'd mind too much if it meant being like this forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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