Chapter Sixteen: ''Get. Lost.''

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      It was as if the weather couldn't get any worse

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      It was as if the weather couldn't get any worse. Every day seemed to drawl on longer and longer as the first Quidditch match seemed to loom over every house at Hogwarts. We found out on Tuesday that we were to verse Gryffindor in the first Quidditch match of the year due to a certain Slytherin Seeker needing more time to rest his injured arm.
     Thursday evening came with a horrendous thunderstorm, but that didn't stop the Hufflepuff team from Quidditch Practice. I could barely see through the rain while it pelted down on me as I flew through the sky on my Nimbus 2000. I was soaked to the core and freezing as I successfully caught the Quaffle heading straight for my head, even after I almost slipped off my broom in the process.
     "Watch it!" I yelled over the rain as I threw the Quaffle just outside of Malcolm Preece's reach, making him dive to catch it. I flew over to Cedric Diggory and hovered there for a moment as we watched Malcolm and Heidi Macavoy throw and catch the Quaffle.
     "I see we have company." Cedric said as he folded his arms and gestured towards the stands. My eyebrows scrunched together as my head swivelled over to where he was looking to. I first caught sight of an umbrella, and below that umbrella was none other than Fred Weasley. He sat there quietly as he watched me and Cedric hovering together.
     My cheeks heated up despite the freezing weather just knowing Fred was hear alone to watch us practice. It's not unheard of that he would come and watch me practice, but he would usually be accompanied with either his brothers or even Lee Jordan for that matter.
     "What? Are you shy now?" Cedric teased beside me which earned him an elbow to his ribs that he laughed off.
     "All right!" Cedric called over the downpour and everyone turned their attention to our Captain. "We're gonna practice how far we can throw and catch the Quaffle."
     "How far?" Heidi asked as she flew up to us.
     "Aim for the Goal Posts." Cedric said as Heidi passed him the Quaffle. We all flew to the Goal posts in the pitch and allowed Malcolm to be the first team member to practice his throwing and catching skills. The more we stayed out here, the colder it got. At least when we were watching Malcolm and Heidi throw the Quaffle between each other the rain started to let up a little.
      It was soon Cedric and I's turn to throw the Quaffle and I volunteered to be the first one at the goal Posts. The rain started to become heavier as I waited for Cedric to throw the Quaffle. I could barely see through my goggles that were meant to help me see through the rain.
     I allowed my hearing and sharp eyes to seek out the Quaffle heading straight towards me, successfully catching each time before Cedric called for us again instructing us that each of us will throw the Quaffle and chase after it and catch it. I watched as Malcolm, Heidi and Cedric all took turns before it was my turn to fly and catch the Quaffle.
     "You ready, Azurielle?" Heidi asked as she bounced the Quaffle in her hand.
     "Born ready." I said with determination, and with that, Heidi threw the Quaffle and I was racing after it. The Quaffle was getting too far away, getting closer and closer to the edge of the pitch where Fred was sitting. I could hear the rain splatter against the Quaffle as I continued to fly after it. I was nearing the stands now and I still haven't caught the Quaffle, but I knew I would catch it by the time I reached Fred, it would just be a very close call.
     The air was whipping dangerously cold against my cheeks, but I didn't care as my ears picked up where the Quaffle was. Before I knew it my eyes were now tracking the Quaffle as I pushed my broom beneath my feet and drifted above the stands. As my broom swung around I raised my hands high above my head and caught the Quaffle.
     "Yeah, Azure!" I heard behind me. I whipped my head around and saw Fred's over exaggerated cheering. This brought a wide a toothy smile from me as I looked at Fred through my goggles. I giggled at him as I was basically standing upright, along with my broom. Fred gave me a wink and I couldn't tell if my cheeks were burning from the wind and rain or from his wink.
     "Fancy meeting you here!" Fred said over the rain. I swayed on my broom and looked back over at him in surprise, then I couldn't control the wide smile that spread across my face.
     "Fancy indeed!" I said to him before turning back to the pitch, Quaffle in hand. I pushed my broom back down and headed back to the team to continue practicing.

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