A drunken party

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Aqua, an 18-year-old boy who has been hunting a man named Hikaru Kamiki for his entire life, has finally finished his goal.

One night, the crew and the cast decided to have a party at a bar. Taishi Gotanda decided to get alcohols for the everybody as a job well done.

As the girl was just talking, a waiter gave them wine.

Kana Arima= we're suppose to drink wine? Are they crazy?

Ruby Hoshino= Oh common senpai, we will all drink it together.

Frill Shiranui= Lets all drink it together on one gulp.

Akane Kurokawa= What happend if we get drunk?!?

Ruby Hoshino= Well then we can party hard!

Kana Arima= What do you mean by party hard?!?

Kana Arima face turn red having dirty thought.

Ruby Hoshino= Hm? Dancing and enjoying the music of course?

Ruby Hoshino= What else would party hard means.

Frill Shiranui= Ruby sometimes it's hard to believe you don't understand this kind of stuff.

The girls laugh while Ruby was still trying to understand what her senpai just meant by partying hard.

Frill Shiranui= Well let's all drink the wine in one go!

Kana Arima= Wait, we're actually doing this?!?

Frill Shiranui= What? Are you a chicken?

Kana Arima= Well no...

Frill Shiranui= How about you Akane?

Akane Kurokawa= I don't see any problem if we all do it at the same time.

Kana eventually agreed and they all decided to drink the wine in one go at the same time .

Ruby Hoshino (mind)= Woah, so this is what adult are drinking?

Ruby Hoshino (mind)= This is delicious.

Kana Arima (mind)= Hm? This is delicious...

Kana Arima (mind)= Should i get some more.

Frill Shiranui= This is delicious! Should we get more?!?

Kana Arima= But what if we get dru-

Ruby interrupt her senpai.

Ruby Hoshino= YESSSSS!!!!!

They then called a waiter to get some more wine. Which eventually led some of them to getting drunk. Ruby was singing out loud with her senpai. Akane was seeing both of them enjoying more wine with Frill.

The scene shifted to Aqua who was with Taishi Gotanda, decided to complain. He didn't like the idea of drinking alcohol. It was absurb especially since he and some of the cast just turn 18.

Aqua Hoshino= Isn't alcohol a bit much to celebrate?

Taishi Gotanda= Oh common you guys are old enough already to drink.

Taishi Gotanda= Besides the movie is a hit, tonight will be a celebration for the hard work.

Aqua Hoshino=bu-

Ruby who was drunk arrive and interrupt the talk. Aqua saw Ruby who is holding a wine glass on her right arm.

Ruby Hoshino= onii-chan just let us enjoy this night.

Taishi Gotanda= See even your sister agrees with it.

Aqua Hoshino= Ruby you should stop drinking it, you are already drunk.

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