xue yang

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Wei ying's Pov

we were sitting on couch of our living room well of course I am in his embrace and my man here is sleeping , damn he is so good , just look at him so smooth so damn handsome , I was enjoying the view when lan wangji's arm suddenly tightened around my waist it was so tight that it started to hurt I tried waking him up but he won't wake up

"wei ying!!!"
" Lan zhan I am here "
" don't leave me"
" I won't "
he buried his face in my neck and I felt something wet , he is crying he is like this since we came back from gusu I don't know what to do anymore , is that place bewitched or something I pat on his shoulders rubbing circles while trying to calm him down I don't know what's happening but whatever is going on its not right suddenly I heard a his phone ring he didn't pick up , it ranged for second time he still didn't pick up

" Lan zhan pick up the call "
" mn"

he saw the caller Id and suddenly went away  it was suspicious as why he went away but I didn't think much of it.

Lan wangji's pov

I got call from investigator who is investigating the stalker with weird face well his name is nei huisang ,

" hello"

" I got some news"

" what is it?"

" I know his den I know where he lives"

" and?"

" well his name is xue yang , he is probably 18 year old this year , he is the only child and his father has left his family he lives with his mother only and I didn't get much news related to his past and according to some clues it's quiet disturbing "

"....OK we will go to where he lives "

" it doesn't seem to be good idea , he is probably sort of psychopath I don't think we should go there without any sort of preparation "

" Alright "

As soon as I heard the name xue yang I broke into cold sweat , that's the fucking name in my nightmare , I saw how much of crazy guy he was in my nightmare he was one of the guy who framed yilling patriarch.  I was stressed when in saw the blue lotus shining in moonlight it somehow gives me some sense of peace , yes Lan wangji you can do it you have to do it for your wei ying .

I got back to the living room and saw my world there sleeping peacefully it immediately gives me relief her peaceful face. I carried her to our bedroom and hugged her until I fell asleep.

Wei ying's Pov

I woke up with noise of bird chirping and the first thing I saw , my dashing boyfriend sleeping peacefully while surrounding me like a python I wasn't wrapped in his arms but his love I enjoyed the view for quiet some times then proceed to make breakfast

I was making the breakfast when lan zhan hugged me from behind kissing me on my neck

" lan wangji let's eat something alright we can do this later "

" but I have to go somewhere " he said while pouting

" where are you going ? " it's Sunday where is he going on Sunday

" some important work , it's confidential can't tell you"

" Alright got it but let's eat something"

" Alright "

after breakfast he makes like 10 to 15 phone calls it is like he is going somewhere on war and damn this boy he won't tell me a thing he kissed me and closed the main door asking me to be in home.

Lan wangji's pov

I felt bad for not telling her but at least I didn't lie , I don't want her to know this sort of things nei huisang , my brother xichen ge , and xingchen my friend we all went toward that bastard den , I was prepared for everything but I was afraid of seeing something that will scare me , I am afraid of unknown I calm down myself with breathing exercise

Here we are in front of his house my anxiety was acting but I was trying to build up courage to face whatever I will see.

huisang knocked on his door but got nothing we broke into his house searched the whole damn house but found nothing suddenly xichen ge said that there is some sort of hidden room inside basement ,

" what happened ?"
" this wall"

I knocked on the wall and was surprised it his hollow something must be inside there
huisang somehow found the entrance I look at him suspicions how do this guy know everything

my brother was the first one who went inside the room I was about to follow but he quickly came out

" brother don't go in there "

"why ?"

I was panicked as fuck when he asked me not to go inside the room he tried holding me back but I rushed into the room and what I saw my jaw dropped!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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