15 - Devin

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Saudi is beautiful but Kika and I make sure to stay close to our hotel area for convenience and safety nonetheless. After a quick Google search when we landed, we found that there was a mall in the hotel zone and we cabbed here ten minutes ago. There were drug stores nearby the hotel, but apparently, Kika shared her location with Pierre, so we opted to go to the drug store in the Saudi mall instead in case Pierre checked it.

"Can we shop first?" Kika asked as we walked in the automatic front doors. The Air conditioning greeted us and I breathed a sigh of relief at the reprieve.

"Don't you want to know if?" my question trails off.

She lets out a tense breath. "Yes, but I'm also super nervous to find out and feel like putting it off for at least an hour or two. Retail therapy is what I need right now."

I shrug. "Understandable. Where to first then? You pick."

The two of us wandered around the shops for what felt like forever but we ended up having a good time. I had forgotten what it was like to spend time with Kika alone. Or just have girl time in general. It seemed that always there were guys around. We talked about everything. I left out the recent news on my father, but I told her more about Lando. Particularly more of the details that Charles and Pierre had begged me to leave out last week on Charle's yacht.

"I understand why you're still in love with him, you two sounded perfect for each other."

I cleared my throat. "I'm not," Kika shot me a flat look that silenced my denial. I sighed. "It sucks you know, to love someone that hates you."

"I don't think Lando hates you."

"Do I need to remind you of some of the things he's called me?"

She cringed. "No definitely not. I just think that he wouldn't have offered you to stay with him if he hated you entirely, and I think Lando also has enough power within McLaren that if he really wanted you gone, you would be."

I let the conversation die and Kika didn't seem to mind as she led us into another few shops. The conversation shifted more toward normal life. How Pierre and her moving in together was going well. How my work with the mechanics had been successful. And then eventually somehow she ended up pestering me to tell her how 'big' Lando was which I consequently denied telling her multiple times before she eventually gave up.

I bought some more pyjamas because I usually didn't sleep in anything and being that I am sharing a room with Lando now, I needed to be able to cover up. Kika ends up buying a new pair of heels. She justified the expensive shoes by commenting and saying 'Every girl needs at least one pair of heels in every colour'. I didn't disagree. It was pretty hard to argue fashion advice with a model.

We planned to get the test and head back to Kika and Pierre's hotel room so she could take it while Pierre was out playing a paddle game with Charles. So I glanced down at my phone to see the time. Charles' contact popped up on my screen with a text saying he and Pierre were going out and the time they would be back to go to dinner. I sent back a quick text telling him to have fun and turned to Kika.

She was looking down at her phone with an anxious frown on her face. I imagine Pierre just texted her something similar.

"Drug store?" I quietly questioned. Kika looked up at me and quickly nodded, grabbing my hand. Kika's five bags and my single bag filled the space between us. Together we walked to the small drug store in the mall. It didn't take us long to find the right test. Kika grabbed multiple and it took us no time at all to buy them, stash them in a bag and exit the store.

I hailed a cab outside of the mall in the hot desert air and Kika and I climbed in, welcoming the little air conditioning the vehicle provided. Kika gave the man the address to her and Pierre's hotel which turned out to be right beside the Hilton where I was staying. Which was convenient. I wouldn't have to call a cab to my hotel I could just walk. Once we arrived we paid the cab driver and walked inside. The elevator ride was quiet, save for some awkward music and Kika bit her nails more.

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