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"No please, please don't hit me, Dad... I will be a good girl......ahhhh dad...." Mia cried, her breaths were heavy and fast and tears were streaming down as she screamed in her dreams. Hearing Mia's screaming her roommate and best friend Lisa rushed to her side and she gently tried to wake her up.

"Wake up Mia, you are just dreaming..... You are safe now" Lisa tried to calm her. As Mia's eyes opened, she was panting heavily and she was still crying Lisa just hugged her and she tried to calm her down.

"Shhhh ..... it's ok honey .... You are safe now" Lisa tried to console her and she could feel Mia shaking. "They won't hurt you anymore," Lisa said and kept reassuring her. After some time Mia was calm and she wiped her tears Lisa gave her water and as she was sipping the water, Mia looked at Lisa apologetically as if she was guilty that she woke Lisa every time because of her nightmares.

Mia apologized, "I am sorry, I woke you up again ..... I would understand if you want to change your roommate" Lisa sighed hearing her friend and it was almost always that Mia apologized after her nightmare Lisa is the only person who knows about her past and only her one and only friend.

"How many times have I told you that I have always had your back girl" Lisa tried to reassure her and she continued, " And yes I can have another roommate but I love irritating you so ... I think I will stick with you as my roommate and best friend" ... Hearing her Mia gave her small smile and thanked her for always being there for her.

Mia had a very bad childhood and she ran away from her parents when she was 16 Lisa was the one who helped her and was there for her. Mia only trusts Lisa and she is the only reason that she still believes in goodness and that people with kind hearts still exist.

Lisa and Mia both are currently studying at a prestigious university, Lordward University. Mia is very studious and shy, and cannot afford so her only option is a scholarship. She also works in a café to bear her expenses whereas Lisa is like a rich dad's daughter and was born with a silver spoon.

The next morning, Mia was walking through the corridors and she did not talk to anyone or have any friends other than Lisa and she did not even want more friends. Then as she was putting her books in her locker a girl came running and her friend too followed her. Mia did not want to eardrop their conversation but their locker were near Mia's.

"I hate him, I was stupid to believe he loved me" the girl cried. "It's fine Sara, you deserve better, you know how he is" her friend tried to console her but Sara still sobbing and she said angrily," I fucking hate Ryan, he had said that it was just a fling but I thought I could change him but a guy like him can never change".

Yes, Ryan Davidson is the most popular and hottest guy in college but under that, he is a heartbreaker. He is into fitness and every girl in college wants him but he just wants them in his bed. Everyone knows it but still, girls throw themselves at him. Mia also knows him and sees him with different girls but she never cared about it and she was always in her small world.

As they were talking Sara noticed Mia hearing and she was already angry and frustrated so Sara just went toward Mia with her friend. "Don't you have any other work but to eardrop our conversation" Sara spat. Mia stammered and she tried to explain, "I... I did not mean to..." but Sara's friend interrupted "Save it" and threw her books on the floor. Then the bell rang so Sara and her friend left with a warning gaze.

Mia knelt and started to pick up her books then someone was running and just tripped on her books and fell. Mia stopped and as she saw it was none other than Ryan Davidson. He got up rubbing his back then he heard "I am so sorry" Mia apologized softly. Ryan looked at her and smirked and he looks her who was looking so nervous and looking down.

"It's fine," Ryan said calmly, offering to assist. They both picked up her books and, as they were already late for class, ran towards it. As they entered and everyone was shocked seeing them together Sara was looking at Mia as well as Ryan with anger and whispered to her friend, " Isn't that the same bitch who was eavesdropping on our conversation?". Her friend just nodded.

"You both are late" the Professor scolded and looked at Mia he continued, "Ms. Taylor it's not like you so what happened today." Mia was looking down and was fidgeting hem of her t-shirt whereas Ryan was standing near her confidently and said in a calm and confident tone, "Sir she was having some trouble" Hearing him defend her everyone was shocked including Mia and she slowly lifted her face to meet Ryan eyes who gave her a polite smile. "Okay it is her first time but what about you? What excuse do u have today?" the Professor asked Ryan and Ryan still maintaining his calm demeanor replied, "I was helping her" The professor looked at Mia and she slowly nodded.

The Professor was satisfied so he asked both of them to take a seat and since they both were late and no other seats were empty Ryan and Mia took seats beside each other making many girls jealous. As the class was about to be over the Professor assigned everyone a project which is supposed to be done in pairs. Since Ryan and Mia were sitting together they were partners.

"Looks like we are partners," Ryan said in a light and teasing tone and Mia just nodded and softly replied, "Yes". Ryan was looking at her as he wanted to know why was she being so nervous, is it because she also liked him or she is like this with everyone because girls would be flirting with him and him being their project partners was a big thing for them? However, Mia did not seem to care about that and also she was not even talking or initiating conversation, and Ryan was not used to this.

Pushing those thoughts aside Ryan said "I am Ryan, Ryan Davidson" Extending his hand Mia hesitated but politely shook his hand and replied "Mia". That's it? Ryan had not expected her to just answer in one word and also he had expected her to say something like "Of course, I know you" but Mia did not seem interested at all. It did hurt Ryan's ego a bit.

As he was engrossed in these thoughts Mia had packed her bag and was about to leave when Ryan stopped her and asked her for her phone number Mia was just staring at him and hesitating and Ryan reassured her, "It's for the project.... We have to work together right after college" and they exchanged their numbers and they decided to work in a library.

Hey everyone,

I hope you all enjoyed reading prologue. Thank you so much for reading. Please do vote, comment and share. It would mean a lot to me and motivate me. 

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