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The chopper raced through the air through a sea of clouds, descending just low enough to be out of the way of turbulence while seeing the beauty of the ocean beneath and the setting sun on the horizon.

The ice perforated and split as innumerable explosions shook the caverns. Above Titanisur on the catwalk, Deviot nearly fell into the abyss below from the earthshaking force. Higher and higher up the length of the icy prison emerged newer cracks, fracturing and falling away like a rippling wave of dominoes.

Entering the elevator with Captain Mutiny, Deviot and Boomtower watched as the elevator moved up.

The walls of ice began to fall away in greater and greater sizes, slamming down into the catwalks and destroying them as a golden light began to emanate from deep within. Flashing once. Twice. Thrice. Something was beginning to awaken.

"Everyone! Gather on me!" Mutiny shouted.

The ice began falling in and around them as they looked up with despair.

The main facility's central operations platform collapsed, falling into the pit which was now glowing with golden light. Explosions erupted from within as more of the outpost fell to ruin. Fuel igniting. Electrical circuits breaking loose and mixing with other open circuits causing mass fires within the icy chasm which had begun to open above Titanisur.

Deep in the ocean depths, a blue light flashed brightly scaring away a pod of whales as a massive object sailed past them. As the Orca's pulse vibrated through the water, the massive object's speed rapidly began to increase.

Back on the ice, Captain Mutiny and his crew all looked down as the wind suddenly changed directions. Below them, and between their feet, the foggy mist created by the snow layer began racing backwards towards the chasm as if it was being sucked into a vacuum.

And then... The growl.

The ice opposite them cracked and crumbled away as they looked into the cavern. The smoke and fog below had calmed, but that growling began to grow louder as flashes of golden light, almost like lightning, began arcing through the haze. The rangers emerged from the chopper and headed towards their friends, only to pause as the growls reached their ears.

As they watched, a large plume of the smokey mist began rising from the center of the gloom. And then, from the smoking abyss... A long, arched, gleaming golden object appeared and began rising into the sky. And as it rose higher and higher, a spiked club-like end seemed almost to open, as if it was some kind of massive multi-switch blade, causing ice to shatter and fall off of it as it continued its slow arc and disappeared down into the abyss once more.

All around them thunder began crashing, and arcs of golden lighting screeched through the skies.

The golden object was followed by a second, identical in every way. It too arced through the air and extended its knife-like protrusions before an unholy sight befell their eyes.

The head of a draconic creature emerged from the gloom. Eyes shut tight with snow and ice falling off its long, muscular neck. Suddenly, the eyes snapped open, and a flash of lighting raced behind it illuminating its silhouette as it opened its mouth with a long hiss. Its lips curled up, revealing long rows of teeth wtihin its draconic maw as it slowly shook its head.

"You gotta be kiddin' me." Karone said in disbelief.

Titanisur emitted a guttural growl as it looked at The rangers.

The impact shook the earth beneath them, but not enough for them to lose balance. A fact they quickly took advantage of.

"Go, go, go! Get moving!" Kenzie shouted.

The electrical disturbance of Monster Zero's attack caused sparks to shoot through the interior of the chopper as it struggled to spin both engines enough to take off, and with that surge the chopper lost power.

"Ok now what", Karone asked.

"Plan B", Kenzie replied "We need the Megazords".

Roars signalling the arrival of Centurus and Stratosforce megazords. Quickly jumping into their zords, the rangers faced off against Titanisur.

"Ok he looks even scarier from up here", Kenzie stated. Titanisur suddenly hit the Megazords hard. They were thrown backwards and skidded across the ice.

"Kenzie don't taunt the titan", Karone cried. She checked the computer to see the damage caused, "Hydraulics are failing and the shield are down to 63 percent".

"Then we need to keep our distance", Mike replied.

The rangers brought the Megazords back to their feet, the Stratoforce punched Titanisur. Its head dipped back in submission, but let its displeasure be known as it snarled towards its sibling. Titanisu reared up high into the sky. And from within the core of the creature, golden lights began flowing up through its chest, into its neck, and even glowing from its eyes.

And as the light pulsed through its body, seemingly igniting a greater level of electrical inteference in the skies behind and around it, Titanisur reared up and all took aim.

"Oh... Shit." Kenzie exclaimed.

Titanisur screamed as it unleashed a torrent of golden lightning from his mouth which instantly struck the Megazords, it damaged the top part of the Megazords. Several steel panels fell off the zords, leaving a large gap in the front of the robot.

"Stratoforce and Centurus aren't responding", Kenzie shouted before she was thrown out of her seat when the console exploded. Another attack from Titanisur shattered the glass cockpit windows, leaving the rangers directly exposed to any further attacks.

"They're coming apart", Karone cried over the exploding consoles. Smoke was pouring out of the broken cockpit windows and the whole structure was creaking dangerously.

The Megazords began to fall apart. Titanisur reared its head and roared as the Megazords fell to the ground in peices.

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