Day three.

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(I'm going to try and update each and everyday)

Dipper woke up to the sound of thunder, shaking. It was about 1 am when he woke. He looked up, finding the demon asleep. Dipper just sat there cuddled up to Bill, he didn't care all he cared about was that he had someone close to him. To be honest, he hated storms that woke him. The thunder scared him half to death, and the Lightning didn't help at all either.

He heard a slight groan, Bill was waking up. Should he move, or what because he knew if the Bill got mad and pissed off he'd be dead. But nothing happened, Bill just slowly rubbed the teens back. "I know your scared," he whispered. "no I'm not." He lied. "Pine Tree, don't try lying to me I read your mind your scared half to death of this little storm. Just go back to sleep it'll be alright if anything happens I'll be right here." He smiled tiredly, yawning. Dipper then got comfy again, closing his eyes and falling back asleep.

•The Next Morning•

Dipper sat in front of the TV eating cereal in a bowl, Bill disappeared to go make a deal with someone. Mabel's outside trying to catch some rare butterfly with Candy. Stan's still in Las Vagus, which he'll be gone longer then two days.

Dipper groaned with boredom, flipping the bowl that was now empty. He then got a good idea.

"Let's play Frozen chicken hockey!! Staring Dipper Pines and the wonderful Soos!!" Wendy announced, they all had taken time off from work to play this. "hey sup dudes!" Soos said, waving the crowd. Really it was only Melody with a few friends in her apartment. Both Dipper and Soos had a long stick with a spatula tapped to the end to make it look like a hockey stick.

The game started, Soos got the first goal then Dipper got the second. It ended at a tie, Soos and dipper then shook hands. "that was really fun Dipper, but now we gotta get back to work." Soos said sadly, Wendy nodded in agreement. "Aww, okay."

Soon after that he was yet alone again, he walked into the living room, scanning his surroundings. He sat back down, watching the horrible zombie film that was on. He groaned, laying back on the carpet. Closing his eyes, he slowly drifted off into sleep.

•30 Minutes Later•

"Pine tree..." Some one slurred, Dipper could barley make it out because he was still half asleep.

"Pine tree!" The voice came clear and he was being shaken. He shot up, only to be inches away from Bills face. Dippers cheeks turned a bright pink, he scooter back a little. "Bill! You were gone long!" He said, looking the demon in the eyes. "The deal went a little..'longer' then it was supposed to." He made the longer sound suspicious.

"Bill Cipher what did you do!" He said, giving him a dirty look. "I only did what I was supposed to. Kill him." Dippers eyes grew big. "Bill!!" Bill only shrugged, taking it as it didn't matter. "like I said I was only doing what I was supposed to." dipper sighed. Bill gave into Dipper, leaning close to him. Inches away from lips to lips, Bill cupped dippers cheeks in his warm hands. He then kissed him passionately, the teen brunette kissed back holding Bills wrists.

Bill pulled away, smirking. "told you that you liked me." he stated, Dipper rolled his eyes. "yeah, yeah." Bill held the teens waist, "no I think it's rather adorable!" Dipper only rolled his eyes once more before being brought into another warm kiss.

This was it,

Dipper fell for the demon.

Just what Bill wanted,

His sweet pine tree.

[ Ayyye yo dudes what's up, hope you like this chapter!! I'm going to try to post every day now until I get to busy and can't update. So yeah, leave a vote and comment! ]

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