chapter 5

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2k+ words! I dont know if you will read it full or not 😶


Author's POV

Destiny is a great player ! No matter how hard you try, you can never change what's written in your destiny .

The same was happening with Reyansh and Mishti . Destiny is the player and they both are just mere pawns controlled by it ...

Mishti and Reyansh looked at each other with an emotion which can not be described in words . Their eyes conveyed the messages which their tongues couldn't .

Whereas Reyansh was still recovering from the shock of unexpectedly meeting her , Mishti's heart fluttered with surprise but her doe shaped eyes held the unspoken apology . All the pain and betrayal which was hidden in Reyansh's heart from years started to come out . Reyansh , somehow controlling himself from bursting , left the scene .

Mishti , on the other hand was aware of the reason of Reyansh's departure . She did not knew what to do !

Should she go and tell him that what happened 12 years ago was a misunderstanding ?
Should she tell him that she was FORCED to leave him ?
Should she tell him THAT SHE LOVES HIM LIKE HE DOES .

Unknowing, a tear escaped Mishti's eyes . She too , not wanting to break down in front of someone , ran towards the washroom .

On the other side , Reyansh was leaning towards the wash basin with his hands on its edge . His eyes were blood shot red , showing the angry and pain which was hidden inside him from past 12 years .

" The one who are desperate for love won't ever find it . Irony is that love fall in the hands of people who does not value it " Reyansh said with a rage .

Why me ?
I trusted her .
I cared for her .
And when I said ' I Love You ' I meant it .

But what I got in return was broken trust and heart . Never ever in my life I'm going to forgive her .

After calming himself, Reyansh lift the washroom . He came to the same place where he saw her a moment ago . On not finding her there , he searched a little more but the result was same .

" I'm sure she saw me . What if she left ? " Reyansh thought and his heart , which was already beating faster now doubled its pace.

On the other hand , as soon as Mishti entered inside the washroom , tear drops started rolling down her cheeks .

The guilt of hurting him was already haunting her from past 12 years . And today, she was not able to control herself when she saw the amount of hatred his eyes held for her.

" what you are thinking is not the truth Reyansh . I wish I could tell you what happened that day . But the truth will hurt you more . " Mishti said while crying .

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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