Chapter 1 : "The past of legends"

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A long time ago, five of the greatest humans ruled the incredible worlds around us.Everything was perfect.Everyone used their magic to help their worlds grow stronger and braver.We must say they lived in peace.Until one day, everything just fell apart.The moon witch and Meteor's soldiers collided, calling out for their first word of beggining their leadership for all of the worlds.They called out right in the centre of Highbridge, the largest of all cities around each world.A dark - dressed captain of soldiers stepped out with an army behind him, facing the rulers and their people on the other side - in front."After many years, finally we collided.There is no use to fight back against our granite armor," the soldier giggled proudly and started reading again : " every unseen and secret world will become seen and part of Meteor's Empire.Once we all collaborate the only ruler..."Not again, sereously father?" My mother stopped my grandfather from telling the story, which really annoyed me because I wanted to hear what happends next."Enaugh is enaugh, time for bed!" She said, pulling grandpa out of the room."Good night." Mom said and then left.That night I couldn't sleep, thinking of magic, worlds and rulers and...just everything i heard.The doors were slyghtly open, so I could hear faint whispering from the living room. I jumped out of bed and slowly walked near the door.Now I could hear much better.But what I heard wasn't something I wanted to hear.They were arguing."We takled about this, it's time to stop with this nonsense," mum said unconfidently : "or whatever it is...don't you remember what that did to Viwall?" - She whispered this time pretty sad."Viwall? Who's Viwall?" I thought confusedly in my mind."Never heard of that person, if she was a person."Then I came closer to the door."But these stories, they are the future and important part of the past, we can't just shut them down.Grandfather replied very confident in his words."Oh please dad, no one beileves in that, no more.And no one's talking about it, just you!" She didn't stop."I really don't know what sort of ability it has to run over our family, but surely it's not good, neither safe!" She added after a minute of silence."I think that's enaugh.There is a long way to your home tomorrow, so get some sleep.I'm going to chech on Endriguelle." Said mum slowly standing up and coming straight to my room.I ran to my bed as fast and as quiet as I could."Goodnight father." She whispered to grandpa before she opened the door of my room.I faked sleeping until she left.After everything, now I really couldn't sleep.So many questions ran through my little head."Who is Viwall?Why didn't mum let grandfather to finish the story...And that was my last yawn before fallin' into a deep dream, altough still thinking about stories and that weird name - Viwall."

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