rainy days - Tammy

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The sky gets darker. Some kind of dark blue, mixed with heavy dark grey clouds are covering the sky. A soft but cold breeze blows in my face and I can already smell the fresh scent of the coming rain. At first a few waterdrops fall on the windshield, but my windscreen-wiper pushes them away and they run down on the side of the windshield. The waterdrops are small and occasional. I start driving faster. The street gets a darker shade where the rain hits the ground. The town near the forest is enveloped in thick fog. I drive through the unlit streets of the town. The rain gets heavier as I reach the driveway. I wait for a moment and watch the torrential rain pour down the windscreen.

After I ran inside and stored my groceries, I start making some tea. You know, it's one of these days where you just sit near a window, watch and listen to the rain and sip a hot drink. It just one of these cozy and lazy days. The brewed water falls onto the Yorkshire teabag and the herbs colour the water dark brown.

With a blanket around my shoulders, my cold hands clenched around the cup, I walk to the big floor to ceiling window and sit crosslegged down. I watch how the heavy rain hits the ground. It get's stronger with every minute I sit there. Not only the rain, but also the wind blows stronger. The twilight sky gets darker. I turn on a little lamp near the window and walk to the sink rinsing my cup. It feels weird, knowing the rain outside is cold as ice and the water pouring over my hands is warm. I slowly wash the cup in the sink as suddenly the doorbell rang.

I dry my hands and just as I make my way to the front door the bell rings again and again. »Hello!? Is someone home?« someone asks and knocks on my door. I walk a bit faster and open the front door a crack to look at the person who is under the porch. »Hii Tammy« i say and open the door now wider. She's my lovely neighbor and one of my dearest friends. I look at her more precisely and notice that she's standing in front of me in soaking wet clothes. The water is dripping from her and even her hair is so wet, that it got a darker shade than her usual blond. »What happened dear?« I ask her as water drops down her face. »I- My Husband..« She says shaking. I open the door for her and let her inside. I lead her into the living room and bring her some towels and a huge blanket. We sit down on the sofa and I gently rub her arms to warm her up. She calms down a bit, I suggest that she can take a shower and after that she can tell me everything. She nods and we walk to the bathroom door. I put a hand on her shoulder and say: »I'll bring you some clothes when you're done, okay?« »OK« She walks inside and closes the door behind her. I wait in front of the bathroom until I hear the water of the shower rushing down.

I grab some pants and a thick pair of socks, a hoodie and some underwear of course. I fold everything nicely and walk with the clothes to the bathroom. I knock gently on the door and tell Tammy that I'll wait for her downstairs. The moment I turn around and put my hand on the handrail, Tammy opens the door a little bit. She is standing there, wrapped in a towel which only covers half of her cleavage and goes down covering half of her thighs. The towel seems to loosen up, as she reaches down to grab the pile of clothes. With the clothes in one and and the towel in the other hand she looks up at me and smiles softly. I smile back at her and walk down some steps. »Thank you« she says quietly. I turn around and tell her that she's welcome.

While I wait for Tammy to come down, I start making a small fire in the fireplace. It takes some time but it starts with a little spark. Soon a great fire is burning and it radiates some warmth. After a few more minutes Tammy is walking down the stairs. She sit's beside me and lays her hands in my lap. I enclose her hands with mine and she starts talking to me about what happened: »Well, my husband and the boys are in the alps on 'boys-vacation'.. and I'm alone for the next few days, but I forgot my keys at home. I tried calling someone who could help me, but no one answered. So i waited..« her voice drops a little and I can hear that she is close to crying again. I wrap my arm around her and give her a reassuring smile. »..but then came all this rain and wind..« a sob escape her mouth and she carefully rests her head on my shoulder ».. and I was simply loosing my shit. It was too much for me to handle. Look at me. I'm crying all over your shirt« I pet her head gently »It's okay Tam Tam. Everything is alright now. You're safe here« She cuddles closer and I hug her. I'm holding her close to me, until suddenly all the lights went out. Even the streetlights are out. Tammy let's out a small »Ahhh« and i giggle quietly, so she can't hear me. I walk over to the switches but as i flip them nothing changes. »Seems like a power failure. Let me get some candles« I look over to her, even though I only see her silhouette due to the light of the small fire. I'm waiting for her to nod or an 'okay' or something, but all I get »Y/N Y/L/N DON'T YOU DARE TO LEAVE ME ALONE« she screams threatening. My eyes open widely and I'm kinda scared as she runs towards me and jumps over the back of the sofa. »let's get those candles« she says in her usual sweet voice and giggles. I'm still shocked and walk silently into the kitchen. I open some drawers with one hand, because Tammy snatched my other hand to hold it.

»Found them!« I say and hold them proud into the air. Tammy chuckles and gets a lighter from the kitchen cupboard. We walk back to the living room holding hands the whole time. Her hand is soft like cotton and so supple. We light some of the candles and place them around the room. The dim orange light gives the room such a calm and cozy atmosphere. »It looks beautiful, it gives such a feeling of comfort, warmth, and relaxation. I like it« Tammy says as she lays an arm around my waist. I hum as she gently rubs her fingers against my covered skin and lay my head on her small shoulder. Her body is so dainty and heavenly. I lay one hand on her hip and imagine how it would feel to push her bucking hips down while I have my head between her legs. »Why are you smiling dear?« Tammy asks and punch's my arm playfully. »Hmm?!« I ask innocently and hold back my smirk »Nothing.. nothing« I answer and tighten my grip around her hip, favoring my imaginations.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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