Chapter 10- All about werewolves

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"What are you?"

Words find it hard to leave my mouth.

I have never told any human about who I truly am.

Is she really taking me seriously?

I sigh deeply, locking my gaze with hers.

"I'm a werewolf Y/N. A werewolf."

Now I've said it.

I study her closely. Her face twists into a curious expression, eyebrows furrowed in thought.

Eventually, she breaks the silence.

"I knew werewolves existed."

Now it's my time to be curious.


"Oh- right. Well, it's just that I've kinda always believed in the concept of such a species existing. It's cool if you think about it- half wolves half humans living secretly amongst society, so blended in we don't even know. I always considered it as a possibility, but never had any proper evidence to prove it. Plus I just love wolves a lot, so that partially- What? Did I say too much?"

"No- it's just you perfectly described how I- werewolves in general- live. Also I never expected you of all people to believe in us- so that came as a surprise."

"Ohh. So I was right. As you probably know, I have a lot of questions for you." she says assertively. "And you're answering everything you can. Truthfully."

A glint of excitement shines in her warm blue irises. I can't help but smile at it.

"Okay. Warning- this might become a 'boring lore dump'. Sit beside me so you can hear cause I won't be speaking too loudly."

Y/N narrows her eyes at me, shifting herself so that she's closer, but not right next to me as I would've hoped. I'm not gonna force her though- I saw how well that turned out.

"What do you want to know first?"

"Hmm- tell me more about werewolves and how you work."

"Kay. To start us off- we're slightly different to the ones you typically read about. For instance, we don't instantly transform into wolves when it gets dark. We get to choose which form to be in."

"I'm listening.."

"We have our human form, our half-human form, and our fully wolf form."

She gasps cutely. "Show me your wolf form!"

"Oh- um.." I hesitate awkwardly. "Only for a few seconds."

She watches intently as I switch forms. I'm slightly larger than an actual wolf, like all werewolves are.

"Your fur is so smooth and silky..." She murmurs softly as she strokes my back. "Raven black just like your human hair, with a grey gradient around your belly and tail tip.. and you still have your red streak."

My heart skips a beat at her touch. I know it's only because I'm as a wolf right now- it's not romantic. I still can't stop feeling nervous or shy.

"Sorry, I'm a big animal person." She laughs awkwardly, moving away.

"No- um- it's okay. You can still- feel my fur-"

If I were in my human body right now I would slap myself.

We both go quiet. I quickly transform, going from four legs to two.

"Ahaha, back to the topic of forms, we can stay in each for as long as wanted. But if you don't use either your fully human or fully wolf form for too long, you can start to receive side effects, like headaches and dizziness. In severe cases, you can even lose the ability to go into that form forever."

"Oh. So, do all werewolves have super speed like you?"

"No- let me explain how powers work. Not every werewolf will have powers- only a pack's Alpha and their children. So it's a genetic kinda thing."

"So that means-" her brow creases and her eyes widen in disbelief. She leans closer, the glint of excitement bursting into a flame of mixed emotions.

"You're the child of an Alpha?"

I nod quietly. I never considered what such a title would mean to other people, but to me- it's- complicated.

She picks up on my subtle frown.

"Uh- you alright?"

"Oh- yeah. I'll talk more about myself specifically- later." I laugh halfheartedly, eager to change the subject. I feel her gaze comb through my words for a moment.

"Ok. You guys live in packs?"

"Most of us, yeah. Sometimes they're referred to as clans, too."

"You're getting more questions on that later." Y/N grins, tucking a stray lock of hair behind her ear. I wish I could do that for her.

"Powers range from pack to pack. It's rare to find two with the same one, but it can happen."

"What happens if two Alphas from different clans have children?"

"Well- that's another rare case. But the child would have a 50/50 chance of either receiving their father or their mother's powe-"

Out of nowhere, my voice is interrupted by someone else's.

"What are you doing?"

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