Part 6

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You're back in class with Lexi and Kyle. Lexi's boyfriend, Tommy, is sick with the flu today. The professor wraps up the lecture and announces the first big project will be due in a few weeks.

Lexi sighs. "This project is gonna be a lot of work. I was so hoping to have time to party and have fun this semester."

"It's not so bad," Kyle says. "At least we get to work in pairs. Y/N, want to be my partner?"

"Hey, why not me?" Lexi pouts.

"I assumed you were gonna work with Tommy."

"Oh, right. I guess I should." She props her elbow on the little desk attached to her seat. "Not to rag on him when he's already sick, but... he's not really the brightest bulb. He's hot, but a genius, that boy is not."

"So, Y/N... what do you say?"

"Sure, let's work together," you reply, sending him a smile. Unlike Tommy, Kyle is smart and hard-working. He'll be a great partner for the project.

He beams. "Awesome. Maybe we can start working this weekend at your place?"

"Oh, um... I don't know if that's the best idea." You study the floor awkwardly. "The pets are still settling in, and my place is a total mess right now."

Given the way Cody reacted to Kyle the first time they met, you think it would be better to reintroduce the two of them in a more neutral location. You know that once Cody gets used to Kyle, they'll be fast friends. But some dogs just don't trust men at first, especially if they've been mistreated by them before.

"Oh, that's right—how is that adorable dog?" Lexi asks.

"Good." You smile at the thought. "I'm still figuring out whether he's really a stray or if I need to give him back to his real owners. But in the meantime it's been fun."

Kyle interjects, "Wait a second, did you say 'pets'?"

"Yeah, I took in a stray cat yesterday, too."

Lexi laughs. "Are you opening a pet shelter in your apartment or what?"

"I didn't mean to," you mutter, blushing and staring at the ground. "It just kinda... turned out that way."

Suddenly Lexi draws in a sharp breath. She elbows you in the side. When you look up to complain about her jabbing at your ribs, she gives you a wide-eyed look and hisses, "Look!"

You look where she's pointing and gasp. The black-haired hot guy from your class is standing right in front of you. Today, instead of his black hoodie, he's wearing what looks like a baseball tee that's a few sizes too big on him. He still looks gorgeous, though.

His body is lean but defined, like the figure of a swimmer or a dancer. He's got a sharp jawline and clear, flawless skin. When he brushes his hair out of his eyes, you see that his irises are a striking green that looks way too bright to be real.

"Hey," he says to you.

It takes you a few seconds to respond. You can't believe a guy this hot wants to talk to you. Next to you, Lexi is staring with her jaw hanging open. You can't blame her.

"Um, hi," you respond.

His lips curl into a half-smirk, revealing a flash of sharp teeth. "You're Y/N, right?"

"Yeah." You're struck speechless all over again. How does he know your name? Belatedly, it occurs to you that you should introduce the others, too. "A-and these are my friends, Lexi and Kyle."

Chasing Tail: A reader x shifters romanceWhere stories live. Discover now