There We Are Again In The Middle Of The Night (fluff)

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Dancing 'round the kitchen in the refrigerator light <3

You were abruptly pulled from your sleep when you heard a loud crash from downstairs. Sitting up, you noticed that your wife was no longer in bed with you, which, considering it was the middle of the night, was slightly concerning. Mildly disoriented, you reached for your phone on the bedside table to confirm your suspicions: 12:30 am. You knew Taylor sometimes struggled with insomnia, so you figured that the noise that woke you up was her dropping something, ever the clumsy person, but you decided to get up to go investigate anyway.

As you tiptoed quietly down the hallway, careful not to wake the sleeping 'children', one of whom had decided to lay themselves down to sleep right in the middle of the staircase, resulting in you having to step around the fluffy white cat on the step to avoid falling "goddammit Olivia" you muttered under your breath. When you made it down the rest of the stairs without waking any cats, or tripping and cracking your skull open, you paused, trying to locate the soft sounds you could hear coming from down the hall, in the direction of the kitchen.

You recognized the sounds as your wife. She had a habit of mumbling quietly to herself when there was no one around to talk to, or if she was really focused on something, and you followed the mumbles to the kitchen, where you found Taylor, dressed in her favourite cat pajamas and fluffy socks, stood over the stove, stirring a pot. Sneaking up behind her, you wrapped your arms gently around her waist, making her jump. 

"You scared me" she whispered over her shoulder, dropping the wooden spoon she was stirring what looked like milk with and resting her hands over yours on her stomach.
"I'm sorry baby. What are you doing up?" you gently kissed her neck and laid your head against her shoulder, watching as she moved one of her hands from yours, continuing to stir the pot.
"I couldn't sleep, so I'm making hot chocolate. Why are you up?"
"Heard a noise, did you drop something?"
You watched in amusement as red creeped up Taylor's cheeks, "Maybe. I knocked the pan off the counter when I was getting the milk out the refrigerator. Sorry baby, I didn't mean to wake you." she pouted, turning in your arms and resting her forehead against yours.

You gently leaned forwards and kissed her pouting lips "It's alright baby, I probably would have woken up anyway if you weren't there. The bed gets cold and lonely without you." now it was your turn to pout up at her, smiling lovingly as she blushed again. Kissing her nose, you decided if you were up now, you were going to stay with Taylor, "You need any help making your drink?"

"No thank you, it's almost done anyway, but could you get me a snack? I'm kinda hungry." 
"Of course, what do you want?" you decided it would be best to ask, because depending on where Taylor wanted to drink her drink, some snacks may result in messes you didn't want to clean up (you almost shudder as you remember the time she decided she wanted a bowl of granola in bed. Meredith knocked it over and the two of you were picking oats out of the sheets for almost an hour)
"Do we have any yogurt? But not the weird yogurt you like, the kids ones we get for when Blake and Ryan's kids come over." You chuckle at her before making your way over to the fridge, opening it and spying the little box in the back.
"Strawberry or chocolate baby?" You knew what she was going to say, and had already started reaching for the chocolate one, as you looked over at your wife stood by the stove, looking absolutely adorable, pouting with her hands on her hips.
"Is that even a question? Chocolate please" You nod at her and grab the little pot, moving it to the front of the fridge so you could grab it when Taylor was ready to eat it. You gazed lovingly at Taylor as you watched her make herself a hot chocolate, laughing at her as as soon as it was finished, she took a huge mouthful, effectively burning her mouth.

"Shit! That's so hot." she pouted. 
"What did you expect? You literally just took it off the stove" you replied through giggles, but stopped when she turned to you with teary eyes and a pout "Aww I'm sorry for laughing my love, are you okay?" you pulled her into your arms and she buried her head in your neck.
"Hurts." was all she had to say
"You want me to kiss it better?" you smirked, gently lifting her head from your neck and pressing a sweet kiss to her lips. "There's that pretty smile" you smiled brightly at her small smile and blush. Without realizing it, you started gently swaying back and forth in your hug. "Dance with me." you whispered into her hair.

Grinning widely, Taylor pulled you into a slow dance in the light of the fridge. The both of you were lost in each other's eyes as you danced. Carefully, you spun her around, lifting her off the floor momentarily before gently setting her down and pulling her into a kiss. "You make me crazy, in the best way. I love you" you murmured into the top of her hair as you continued swaying gently side to side.

"I love you too."

A/N I'm sorry the end is so bad I can't write endings to save my life 

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