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"Countless moons ago, the world was shrouded in a permanent night. Only the light of the stars lit the darkness, and even during the day, the sky was as black as midnight. In an old territory long lost, there were five clans. Thunderclan, Skyclan, Riverclan, Windclan, and Shadowclan. Now, unlike the peace of today, these five clans lived in discord. They fought day and night like cat and prey, over borders and territories. Thunderclan and Riverclan fought over the river. And Riverclan and Windclan, over the gorge as well. Windclan hated Shadowclan for crossing their broders, and Skyclan merely fought for its place among the rest. It was all chaos, and the air was always broken with screeches and soured with the stench of blood."

"Worse yet, among the fighting, a tiger roamed in the darkness. He killed any cat that he could work his jaws around and left them to bleed out and die, not bothering to even eat the poor carcasses. You see, the Tiger didn't like the taste of cat. But what he did crave was the scent of fear. And the taste of power. And he had an undying wish to rule the clans with fear alone." Brackenear's voice was low and foreboding, sending shivers down the kits spines with her words. Pleased with their fearful reactions, she purred in amusement and went on, her voice softening.

"But elsewhere as the tiger was plotting, something new happened in the forest. Thunderclan was clashing  with Riverclan like usual over the river. The stench of blood and soaked fur was inescapable. But from the shadows of the undergrowth, a new cat sauntered up. Now, this cat was unfamiliar to the clans. No one knows who he was before or where he came from. Perhaps it was lost in the countless moons of storytelling. Or maybe no cat ever knew at all. But he strolled up to the siege with a calmness. The two clans noticed the strange cat, and their fighting froze as they turned to the newcomer, hackles high. For the first time, their battle was stopped." 

"'Why are you all fighting?' the cat asked. The cats of Thunderclan and Riverclan exchanged confused, astonished glances. 'Why, must fight for the stream, stranger. It is a small river. And rivers belong to Riverclan!' The Riverclan leader yowled, and yowls of agreement followed from his battle-worn clan. The Thunderclan's leader's hackles rose again. 'Mousedung to that.' She growled. 'Look past the stream, fish-breath, and you shall plainly see that there are a cluster of pine trees on the other side of the bank. Pine trees are a feature of Thunderclan land! The stream belongs to Thunderclan!'"

"Yowls of agreement now came from Thunderclan's side, and Riverclan's cat hissed in fury. It was clear that the fight was about to start all over again. But the stranger leapt up and put himself between the two clans. The clans stared in awe and astonishment as the strange cat broke between them. And they noticed, that in the starlight, his ginger pelt glowed orange like fire. His eyes gleamed an emerald green. His name was--or would someday become..." 

"Firestar!" Cattlekit's mew broke the wonder of the tale, interrupting the rest of the kits from the thrill of the story.  Sootkit rougly cuffed her brother's ear. "Hush, you! I want to hear the story!" She hissed quietly. As Cattlekit fell silent, the kits all turned their gazes back to Brackenear, who's eyes glinted with amusement. "Yes." She purred, clearing her voice as she went on.

"'Why must you fight for the stream?' Firestar asked. 'It is merely a stream. Surely there are other sources of water and fish on your territories?' The Riverclan leader opened his mouth to protest, but only silence followed. For a few moments, No cat said anything. Until the Thunderclan leader spoke up. 'And why should a stranger interrupt us and tell us what to think?' she challenged. 'You are a lone cat. You know nothing of the clan or it's workings. For all I know, you know nothing. The clans have tradition. They have rules you don't know about. Who are you to ask us why we do such things?'"

"'You are correct.' Firestar said. 'I am not a clan cat. I know nothing of your rules or traditions. But I still have sense. I can tell what is wrong and right. And fighting, in nearly all forms, is wrong. Look at your cats, your own, and your rivals. They are all ragged and rain-soaked. They are all bloodied and beaten. Is it really worth it to keep fighting over a stream neither of you truly need?' The Thunderclan leader stopped. She stared at the battered pelts of her warriors, thoughtful. After a while, she turned to the Riverclan leader. For the first time, a truce was made. Warriors at a stream or river, as long as they are on their own respective sides, would not be permitted to fight."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23 ⏰

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