Chapter 1: Powers

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A young man woke up in his room his lightly curly black hair in a mess from sleeping. He woke up and stretched feeling satisfying cracks rattle his spine. He reached for glasses when he put them on things got blurry, that surprised him so he took them off and everything became clear once again, he repeated that action a few times and shrugged then placed his glasses back on his nightstand. He got dressed for school which was a canvas jacket over a grey hoodie with jeans and sneakers.
He descended the stairs and saw his mother scrambling to get ready for work and his father cooking breakfast. His father without looking addressed his son "Morning Y/n" he said without looking. His mother is a real estate agent and makes a good amount of money for the house. But his father is the retired Superhero DarkStar, he was the leader of the seven before he retired and gave up his mantel to Homelander. Now he's more of a stay at home dad. In a blur of super speed he set the table in an instant. He finally looked at his son and he cocked his eyebrows in slight surprise. "Contacts?" He said towards his son, y/n realized he meant his lack of glasses "Oh uh yeah". He sat down and began eating his breakfast.

As he ate he suddenly heard everything. He heard his dad chewing his food, his mother's heartbeat, the buzz of the kitchen light, the footsteps of a jogger outside. Then as fast as it came it disappeared. He clutched his ears for a second but then dropped them once his hearing returned to normal. His mother noticed this "You ok bud?" She asked concerned. "I'm ok, just a little... tired". His thoughts began racing *What was that? Powers? No I don't have powers, I never had compound V, my parents made sure of it* When he learned heroes are made not born he asked his parents if he was exposed to compound V. His parents swore up and down that they didn't give him any. He brushed it off and got up to leave for school. He kissed his mom goodbye, and left the house for school. As he left his father's eyes lingered in his old position. "You ok Jack?" She asked her husband "Yeah Debb I'm ok" a mischievous look appeared on the wife's face. "Since y/n is gone wanna have a little... fun before I go to work" Jack grinned and in a super speed blur he grabbed his wife and disappeared to their bedroom.

Y/n entered school and opened his locker. Inside he began grabbing some books and stuffing them into his bag. As he did his friends walked up to him. His first friend Eric who was tall, skinny, blonde and had acne sprinkled on his face. Then his other friend Charlotte or Charlie as she liked to be called,  who had dyed black hair tied up in a messy style. "Morning guys" Y/n said without turning around. "How'd you know it was us?" Charlie asked. "Oh uh I heard you"y/n responded. As he turned around they looked at him in surprise, Charlie had tint of red in her face. "What?" He asked worried he had something on his face. "No glasses?" Eric asked pointing up at his eyes. "Oh yeah" he said. He motioned to his face "bout time I let everyone look at how gorgeous I am" he said with a smirk. Earring a chuckle from Eric.

Their thoughts were interrupted by a shout. "Fuck off Scott!" "Come on Cass, I know you're crazy about me". They turned their heads to see Cassandra Cole currently yelling at a genuine asshole Scott. Cassandra was a bit of loner with a slight goth style with white hair leather jacket and piercings. She would be weird if she wasn't really hot. Scott is your typical, think they're hot shit asshole. They kept yelling at each other "Oh yeah what have you that notion" Cass asked. "Jess told me". Y/n walked over and Charlie and Eric reached out for him but missed. "Just come on you know you want me" Scott persisted "If we were the last two people on earth i wo-". Y/n placed a hand on Scott's shoulder.

"Come on man leave her alone" Scott shoved him off. "What are you gonna do about it?" Y/n shrugged "I'm gonna-" he was cut off by a hand smashing into his gut. He crumpled over clutching his stomach. It stung but y/n noticed it doesn't hurt as much as he thought. *huh* he thought. "Leave him alone Scott!" Cass asked. They were now surrounded in a circle by students. Scott kicked him in his stomach this time it only felt like a light punch. He was kicked again and this time he barely felt it.  He stood up which surprised all of the people watching him. Anyone else would be on the floor after a beating  like that. Y/n was standing like it was nothing. Scott jabbed him in the face to which y/n,s head barely moved. Y/n then Reeled his hand back and smashed it into Scott's face sending him flying as few feet back and smashing into the locker denting it with a broken nose. He slumped to the floor, Scott was unconscious . Y/n stood there shocked at what he did for a moment, along with everyone else. Then a teacher burst out of his class room. "Mr. Grey! Principals office now!" He just hung his head and said "Fuck".

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