Chapter Two.

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Chapter two of our book is here, I'm trying my best to not mess this up (Fingers Crossed🤞🏼😂) so if you guys see any mistakes, mistypes, or anything wrong with the grammar, please don't hesitate to correct me. 🙏🏼💕

I hope you enjoy reading this and please don't forget to vote for my story and leave a comment. I'm trying not to mess up a single line... XOXO ❤️✨

This Chapter is rated TV-MALS, it contains strong language and sexual situations. It is intended only for mature audiences and therefore may be unsuitable for children under 17. Reader Discretion Advised 🤏🏼😊🙏🏼

Ps: I don't own the images used in this story.

☁️ Picture of Reginald
☁️Age: 27

- Reggie's POV.

I felt really ridiculous about my question but curiosity killed a cat, remember? Guess I wanted to know and Nick blasted me with another unsettling question. "Have you??"

I stuttered for a bit, it's not like the thought haven't crossed my mind a few times. If I say no, I'd be lying to Nick

"Yes" I replied in a curious tone looking at Nick who was going to the kitchen

After hearing my response, Nick paused midway turning around to face me. He narrowed his eyes and stared at me without saying a word and I got a bit spooked by the intimidation in his eyes

"You're joking, right?" He shrugged me off, busting into another laugh and disappeared in the kitchen

Fuckk!! What did I just say

Nick came back seconds later with a bag of Lay's Potato Chips in his hand and sat beside me on the couch, staring at the mess they made last night on the floor. "I should probably clean this, Oh God I wanna die" Nick spoke exhaustively

"Don't worry I'll clean it up, just rest and see to your hangover." I replied kissing him on the neck

I was shivering and I guess Nick felt that too, "Are you okay? You look tense" He asked raising a concerning brow "Are you still thinking about me and Ace?" He added

My silence kinda gave away my answer and Nick placed his bag of chips down to hug the back of my neck, he pulled me close to look him direct in his eyes then he asked me "What do you see in my eyes?"

After staring at them for a minute or two, I replied nervously "I see my reflection"

"Exactly" Nick united our lips and initiated a mindblowing passionate kiss

We kissed and kissed for about 15 minutes and when we pulled away to catch our breaths,

Nick started
"You are the only person I'm looking at Reggie, Ace has been my best friend since forever and you know it. We have done everything together and trust me if I felt anything more about Ace, I would have been married to him since secondary school when we shared our first kiss" He stopped

"Wait, you've kissed him before??" I asked curiously

"Yes, when we were 16 we shared our first kiss with each other. It was amazing but there were no sparks between us I guess. We just laughed it off and pretend it never happened." He laughed remembering at the memory

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