Taste of Karma

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The sunbeams peek through the trees, casting a warm glow across the college campus. It's a perfect morning, full of light and happiness just like nayeon's heart

Nayeon skipped into college with a big smile, her heart filled with excitement, She just revealed about her relationship to her parents and the best part was they accepted it.

With a small giggle, she walked towards the gym knowing that her boyfriend was there and she was excited to surprise him.

She smiled going towards the gym door but she stopped dead in her tracks when she saw something that made her eyes widen in shock

she saw her boyfriend was kissing a random girl, their arms wrapped around each other, they were sucking each other's tongue.

The sight sent a wave of nausea crashing over Nayeon. The happiness that had been bubbling inside her just moments ago vanished replaced by a cold wave of betrayal

Nayeon's heart shattered into a million pieces. she stumbled back a step, one hand flying out to clutch at the wall for support. Tears welled up in her eyes

Nayeon couldn't take it anymore, taking a shaky breath, she walked right inside the gym, her eyes locked on Kai as she stopped right in front of him,

she glared at him while crying softly

"Why, Kai?"

she cried, tears streaming down her face like waterfall

"Why did you do this to me?"

Kai looked at her with a smirk on his lips, he wasn't guilty or shocked after seeing her, instead he looked proud of himself

"Nayeon," Kai dragged his voice a bit,

"who cares about you?" nayeon gulped hearing him "I found someone... better," he finished, casually putting his arm around the girl beside him and she rolled her eyes on nayeon

Tears welled up in Nayeon's eye blurring her vision. She felt her throat tightening making it hard to breathe realising that kai destroyed Five years of their love, threw away all their promises and dreams for a random bitch

Nayeon couldn't take it anymore. she turned back and ran out of the gym.

Days passed by, slowly for nayeon, Every time she saw Kai, it felt like her heart breaking into pieces, He was always with this new girlfriend, Sarah, and they always walk around holding hands, looking all happy and clingy.

Kai would always smirk at Nayeon whenever he sees her, like he was trying to show or prove that she was lonely and can't live without him.

Mina, her best friend, couldn't take it anymore, It broke her heart to see Nayeon so unhappy and depressed. During lunchtime

Mina found Nayeon all alone in an empty classroom, tears silently streaming down her face as she stared towards the wall.

Mina clenched her fists feeling angry at Kai for making her best friend like this

Mina sat down next to Nayeon and rested her hand on her shoulder

"Kai doesn't deserve you, Nayeon, He cheated on you and then whored around with that other girl like you're nothing. We're going to show him what a mistake he made."

Nayeon looked up at Mina, her eyes red and puffy from crying.

"What do you mean, Mina?" she whispered Mina leaned forward with a smirk

"We're going to make Kai for what he did to you, We're going to get revenge from him and soon you will move on from him" Mina winked at her making nayeon chuckle wiping her tears.

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