Love's Brutal Cost

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Taehyung walked towards the college building, his heart heavy with regret. He had a million apologies swirling in his head

He desperately wanted to find Jimin, to spill everything, to apologize for the mess he'd created. Reaching their usual classroom

Taehyung sat on the familiar bench. A wave of sadness washed over him as he noticed the empty seat beside him. Jimin's absence screamed louder than any words.

He glanced around, hoping to catch a glimpse of his friend. Maybe Jimin was just running late? But as the minutes ticked by, a cold dread began to creep in. Taehyung knew Jimin.

He wouldn't skip class without a reason, especially aftter their fight, a knot of worry tightened in his stomach. Had he said something so terrible that Jimin wouldn't even want to face him?

He pulled out his phone, his thumb hovering over Jimin's contact name. Should he call? Text? But what would he even say? Anxiety gnawed at him. He stuffed the phone back in his pocket, feeling utterly lost.

The classroom, once a place of comfort and shared laughter, now felt like a cage, suffocating him with his own regret.

Jungkook's uncle and aunty burst through the automatic doors of the hospital, after getting a call that jungkook is admitted in hospital

His wife, tears already glistening in her eyes, hurried beside him. They saw jungkook lying pale and unmoving on a hospital bed, A tangle of wires snaked from various machines.

with an oxygen mask that rested gently over Jungkook's face muffling the rasping breaths that escaped his bruised lips.

His aunt choked back a sob, rushing to his bedside. Her hand trembled as she reached out, hesitantly brushing a stray strand of hair from his forehead.

They bandages wrapped around his head and torso

Beside her, Jungkook's uncle stood, a storm brewing in his eyes. His jaw clenched tight, His gaze snapped towards the group of friends huddled nervously by the door.

"I-It was..." one of them began, his voice barely a whisper, but before he could finish, Mr. Jeon cut him off.

"Don't waste my time with excuses," he growled, his voice dropping to a dangerous low. "Tell me which bastard did this to jungkook ?!"

They was dead silence in the hospital room, until one of his friends gathered courage to answer Mr jeon

"I-It was us." One of his friends stammered avoiding Mr jeon's hawk eyes

Mr. Jeon's face contorted in disbelief. Jungkook's own friends, the boys he'd seen Jungkook spend countless hours with, they were responsible for this brutal attack?

And they have the audacity to stand here, like nothing was wrong?

He angrily walked towards the closest friend, his grip tightening on Yugyeom's collar. Yugyeom flinched and whimper under Mr. Jeon's furious gaze.

"Why the Fuck you did you do that ?" Mr. Jeon roared, his voice laced with a low growl that sent shivers down the spines of the other friends.

"I-It wasn't our fault, sir," Yugyeom stammered, his voice barely a squeak.

"Jungkook...Jungkook asked me to hit him."

Mr. Jeon wasn't buying it.

"Do you take me as a fool ?" Mr. Jeon spat, "Jungkook wouldn't ask for something like this. Tell me the truth. Now!" The air crackled with tension. Yugyeom's eyes darted around the room, searching for escape, for support from his friends who all seemed glued to the spot, their faces pale with fear.

Yugyeom gulped as he spilled the entire story, Each detail, each justification, sounded more ludicrous with every passing moment. By the time he finished, Mr. Jeon stood frozen as he released his grip from yugyeom's collar

"So you're saying he did all love?" Mr. Jeon finally asked in disbelief He ran a hand through his hair, frustration etching lines on his forehead.

"I can't believe this," he muttered his voice heavy with disappointment.

"I haven't seen that kim taehyung," his aunty said in anger "but I can surely tell you this - I hate him. His so-called love has put Jungkook in this bed, fighting for breath. All I see is a selfish, cruel boy who doesn't deserve even an ounce of Jungkook's love"

Her gaze fell on the group of friends who were looking at them feeling in fear "Get out!" she barked "Get out of this hospital and don't you dare show your faces here again!"

The friends scrambled to their feet, They mumbled apologies, weak and meaningless, before running out of the room like children.

The door clicked shut behind them, leaving a heavy silence in in the hospital room Mr. Jeon turned back towards Jungkook with teary eyes

"A-After his parents death, he became our responsibility, our only child, how could-

Mrs jeon bursted out crying and Mr jeon hugged his wife patting her back as he looked at Jungkook

"I didn't know he was this sensitive," he muttered, more to himself than his wife.

"I thought he is a tough boy"

Mrs. Jeon dabbed her eyes with a tissue,
"He hides it well, doesn't he?" she said softly.

"Losing his parents at such a young leaves a scar, even on the strongest souls"

Mr. Jeon couldn't help but wonder, "I wonder how he's going to handle Jeon enterprises in the future ? will he be strong enough to handle the pressure? The cutthroat world of business?"

Mrs. Jeon squeezed his hand

"but Jungkook is also an intelligent boy. He has his father's sharp mind and his mother's empathy. Maybe that's not such a bad combination after all and He'll find a way to manage"

He squeezed his wife's hand gently. "The company will be in good hands when the time comes. But for now, our focus is on getting him healthy, both physically and emotionally.

As they continued to gaze at the sleeping Jungkook with small smiles on their faces

What do you think taehyung will do after knowing about Jungkook's condition???

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