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April 3rd, 2024 Hey sweeties I think it would be important to make this seeing that I'm about to make some changes never mind a lot of changes but the story is going to have the same plot. It just that my writing style changed and if you been here for a while or even if your new you could she have the story changed from first person pov to third person. I got pissed off writing in first person, it was just the fact that i was repeating the word "I" wayyyy too much, Idk why but it irritates me. For the new people y'all she the chapter zero is in third person but I changed that and I need to change more, it's just not what I want and with my other stories I want my first story I ever wrote to a little bit better than the others (Idk why just do), I also want the stories writing style to match a not me different because if its different it might not be a good different and I might not be able to write it good enough. But that's for the people you are reading even with the mistake but now I think about it need to explain things about Wanda age because when I did write this first I couldn't find her right age and I did want her to be go to high school.

So, Wanda and Pietro was born on October 10, 1998 (I did this for I reason, I wanted Wanda and Caroline to have the same birthday so like soul sister, which would explain their bond and that will explain more in that chapter) that would make them 16-17 when Age of Ultron, Civil War she was 17-18, Infinity War she was 18-19, and for End she was 23-24 but was still looked like she was 18-19 years old from being snapped from existence five years prior. So when she is going to the vampire dairies universe she still looks 18-19 years old and that's why she goes to school with Caroline.

I hope to clear some questions if you are confused and if you have any questions you can comment or private message me if you want. Thank you everyone who has waited patiently for an update and I promise a new chapter will be out and that would be Ghost Town so hand on tight. 

July 10th, 2024: So, I'm starting the editing and I'm having help this time around so its getting proof read before hand so thats why rn its unpublish. I'm going to start making these changes my top thing to do but I still going to be writing my other books.

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