world apart

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Worlds Apart


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Have you thought about the world beyond, is there more to the universe than just you and the world you live in? Well what if I told you there was, that there was an infinite amount of universe, would you believe me or would you think I'm lying? And if I told you there was a chance, a small chance, but still a chance that you could go to a different universe and have a better life or try to at least....

Well, you can. And for Wanda.....she found that out the hard way. Yes, she knew that they weren't alone in this universe, but she never knew about the concept that there could be thousands of you in a different reality. Wanda wanted an escape from her reality and she got her wish! Now let's recap why she was pushed to do this.

Wanda Maximoff, the daughter of Olek and Iryna Maximoff, and the twin sister to Pietro Maximoff. Her life was normal for the most part. That's until she was ten, and that night she will always remember when her parents died that night from a bomb, exploding on their apartment killing them both on impact. After that.... Pietro and her were left alone in an orphanage with no one but themselves.

At the age of sixteen, Pietro and Wanda started helping in the riot which caught the attention of both Hydra and SHIELD, which was unknown to them. After a few months, Hydra approached the twins and offered them a way to achieve the power needed to end war in Sokovia. The moment the guy saw the skeptical looks on the twins' faces, he just knew he offered them the one thing they couldn't refuse, revenge on Tony Stark, the man that killed their parents.... Revenge.

But they didn't know what they were getting into, so they were experimented with over and over and over again. Wanda was treated worse than Pietro, she was exposed to such things that Pietro was never exposed to and with one of these experiments this granted both twin powers. Pietro with superspeed and Wanda attained a number of psionic powers.

After that they were known as respected beings throughout the compound. The next few months Hydra forced them to control their power, forcing them to become ultimate weapons. On one faithful day the Avengers showed up at Hydra, Wanda and Pietro saw their opportunity to get their revenge, but that didn't go exactly as planned. Hydra got destroyed and the twin lived in the city helping people out but a "man" - that was created by Tony Stark who went rogue - was trying to create a "better" world and wanted the twins to help him.

But in the end they found out about his real plan and joined the Avengers to help save the planet, to help save the world. During the fight Wanda stayed behind allied Avengers to protect the key, Pietro went out to help everyone get off the island floating in the air. She lost Pietro that day.

Everything didn't go well for Wanda after that. The Avengers tried to help her control her power-the powers she never could master- but in the end she loses control, killing over thousands of people. This led to the Avengers splitting up and fighting each other which lead to most of the Avengers in prison in the middle of the ocean. A fate no being with godly powers can endure.

After getting out, Wanda started her life with Vision. In the end, their peace didn't last long, as a man named Thanos was trying to get his hands on every infinity stone to exist. And his purpose? To wipe half of the universe's population in one snap. To rule the galaxy....

In the end he won, and Wanda lost the man she loved twice in a matter of seconds.

Nothing was the same when the world went back to daily function, Wanda finds out about the loss of her best friend and that the love of her life was getting torn apart for parts. Wanda lost everything and she lost her mind leading to her jumping from reality to reality to get away from the pain and grief she felt. If only she knew what was awaiting her in this new reality. There she found a new life, but this life she has a sister, a friend, and family but everything comes with a price.

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A/N: I hope you guys like the new style in my writing and how I wrote this, I been wanting to this and I finally got to point to do it - thanks to the person who voted on my chapter- I do get my motivation to write when I see the comments and votes, I believe every writer does so yea. kisses through screen. Also shout out to the guy helping with this, thank you.

Worlds Apart (N. Mikaelson)Where stories live. Discover now